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Under Product Register in the Inventory module, you will find procedures used to register, update and print the product registers, batch number lists, traceability and claims in your system.

Below you will find a brief description of all the procedures that can be found under the Product Register menu in the Inventory module of a complete MONITOR system.

Update Product Register

Here you can manually register serial numbers for products, or complement the information entered for previously registered serial numbers from customer orders. The product register consists of serial numbers linked to a part number for a product.

Product Register List

Here you can print or search for information in the product register.

Batch Number List

Here you can print a list of batch numbers for parts that have traceability. By using the manufacturing order number, you can see the batch number that the material withdrawal was made against. Batch numbers are obtained from suppliers, and entered on the location during arrival reporting of the part's purchase order row.

Trace Part

The Trace Part procedure allows you to print two different lists - Sales and Purchase - for parts that have been given traceability. By using a customer code, customer order number or part number, you can figure out which manufacturing order was used to deliver a particular customer order number. By using the supplier's batch number, you can find a particular purchase order number and supplier for a part.

Update Claim

Here you can register any claims for products. To be able to register claims, the products must have been registered with a serial number in a product register.

The Update Claim and Print Claim procedures are no longer included in the standard system. They are replaced by the sub-module Quality in the Inventory module. The procedures in the Quality module manage the claim cases and nonconformities according to ISO-9000.

Print Claim

Here you print a claim list. You can register claims for sold products using different inform such as reject codes, different claim costs or expense, the "causing part" number (that caused the rejection), supplier etc. You can then create a claim list with this information for product claims, in order to summarize the claims (complaint) costs etc.