You are here: MONITOR Basics > General Functions and Methods > Managing Lists in the System > Properties


When you open the Info menu by right-clicking in a list, you will find the alternative Properties.... This is a dialog box in which you can enter other properties than the standard ones for the types called column and computed fields in the lists. You can see what type it is in the Type field.

You can for example determine that a total column should be displayed in a larger font. Another example can be to assign a different color to a column or to hide a column.

A number of pre-defined properties exist for which you can enter values: Visible, Bold, Italic, Text color, Protected, X-axis value, Width, Height, Font size, Underlined, Strikethrough, Font, Outline, Tag, and Format. For the computed field type, there is an additional property: Expression.

It is also possible to enter different conditions here. For example, if the value of the contribution margin (CM) is less than zero for a record in the CM column, then this value should be displayed in red. You can also enter more complex conditions, such as nested "if" terms. In order to enter conditions, you must know the database denomination for the column that you want to enter a condition for. In the Object name field you will see the name of the column used in the database. You will find the heading of the selected column of a list in the title bar of the dialog box.

Properties box for columns in a list.


In the Property column you will see the pre-defined properties that you can change the value of, or enter a condition for. There is one "tooltip" for each property in the yellow field at the bottom of the box.


In the Value column you will find the standard values. Certain properties are activated or deactivated with a one or a zero respectively, such as the property "Italic". Others have received a pre-defined value, for instance the property "Width". At the bottom of the window there is a Help Text Window, which will display the relevant help text for each row you select. Click on a row to mark it and enter the desired value.

For all properties it is also possible to add conditions. Double-click on the row to open a dialog box for extended editing. This dialog box is easier to work in when entering conditions.

If you enter a condition it must follow the correct syntax. The example condition in the image below has been entered for the property Text color in the cc_tb column (tb is a short form of the Swedish word for contribution margin) in a list. The zero at the far left must be entered first. You can also use the digit 1 (one). Then press Ctrl+Tab before you enter the actual if clause.

The condition in the example below gives: "if cc_tb is less than zero the color should be 255 (red), otherwise 0 (black)".

Dialog box for extended editing.

Save and load properties as a profile

It is possible to save a property (that you have configured for a list) as a profile. Then it is easy to reuse it. Read more about this function under Property Profiles in Lists.