You are here: MONITOR Basics > General Functions and Methods > PopUp in Registers > The Design Tab

The Design Tab

In the Design tab you can create your own layout for a PopUp based on the standard PopUp function. You can create your own PopUp layout per field, e.g. regarding the Part number field in a procedure. The new PopUp will then become selectable in the Change field which will be displayed in the All tab in the field where you created it. It is also possible to create more than one PopUp per field.

The ADMIN user can also design general PopUps in a field that all other users can load and use.

The Design Tab.


Here you can select previously saved designs to reuse. Then you do not need to create a new PopUp.

Add / Remove...

You can add and remove columns in order to tailor it for what it should be able to search in your own PopUp design. You can use the "drag and drop" function or the arrow buttons to move columns.

Columns in the part register.

Change Column Width

You can change the width of the column by dragging the edge of the column heading.

Default Search

Here you can select which column that should be the default column to search in.


Here you can select if your designed PopUp should be selected by default in the field in question.


You can create filters in your own PopUp design. You can enter filters with different conditions for data fields in order to filter only the records that fulfill your conditions. It is possible to add filters to all available data fields and not only for the data fields for the columns that you have chosen to show.

Filters in the PopUp.

If a user has a default filter in the PopUp feature, this also works in the Find-as-You-Type (FayT) feature.

Hide Duplicate Rows

Here you can choose not to show duplicate rows in the search result. Such duplicate rows can occur under certain circumstances, for example when searching for a part number that has several customer links and the customer's part number and our part number is the same. (E.g. a customer that is registered with a separate customer code for each geographic unit but the customer's different units share the same part register.)

Default Pattern Search

Here you can select if your designed PopUp should use pattern search by default. Read more about pattern search further ahead.


Here you save the changes you make in an existing PopUp. This is also where you delete a designed PopUp that you no longer wish to keep. To activate the Save... button you have to make some kind of modification in the Design tab.

Updating of a designed PopUp.

Save As...

Here you save a new designed PopUp. Here you can also enter a descriptive name before you save. You can enter a name for your PopUp. All created PopUps receive a consecutive number. This number is shown in the Change field.

New designed PopUp.