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PopUp in Registers

In MONITOR there are fields that have a button to the right with an arrow pointing downwards. This means that a register exists for this field from which you can select items. This drop-down function is standard in Windows and you have surely encountered it in other programs. By using the button, you will open the entire register and the records will be shown in a drop-down menu. There is also a scroll bar to the right if the list contains more records than the menu can display at a time. By using the scroll bar or the arrow keys you can scroll down the list to select the record you need. In certain cases you can also edit and add new records. See the image below.

Drop-down list for Order status.

When working in large data registers, such as a part register or an order register, it takes much too long for a regular drop-down list to load the entire register each time you click on the button. It would also be unmanageable to use a scroll bar in the window in order to find one particular record in a list of several thousand records.

Therefore MONITOR has developed a powerful search function for large registers. We call it the PopUp function. You click as usual on the button for the drop-down list in order to see the available alternatives. If it is a large register you will then see the PopUp function. The function can also be opened by pressing F4 in the same field and in certain fields by using F3 (this is an Alternative PopUp function ).

This PopUp information will then be displayed in a separate window. The search is made - character by character - for records in the register when you are entering letters or digits in a search field. In the example below "03" has been entered in the search field. The PopUp function then highlights the first record that starts with 03. You can change what to search by, by using the right or left arrow key, or by selecting one of the options under the heading Search by.

The latest searches are saved in a list for the PopUp feature until the program is restarted.

The PopUp function is activated in the Part Number field.

Find-as-You-Type (FayT)

There is also a feature called "Find-as-You-Type", that is used to find specific records faster. Find-as-you-Type is a function that is often used in websites and search engines. Find-as-you-Type is a complement to the PopUp feature and it means that the program automatically searches and displays matching records as soon as you start to write in the field in question.

Read more about the PopUp function under:

The All Tab

The Recent Tab

The Design Tab

Pattern Search

Alternative PopUp