You are here: MONITOR Basics > General Functions and Methods > PopUp in Registers > Pattern Search

Pattern Search

It is possible to perform a "pattern search" for characters and phrases in the columns displayed in the PopUp window. You can also perform pattern search for numerical values. If you check the Pattern search check box in the All tab, the PopUp will be prepared for a pattern search.

Pattern search activated.

You enter what to search for in the pattern search in the field above the Pattern search check box. If you have several search terms you should separate them with a space. This means the Boolean condition AND, which allows you to search for combined presences of characters and phrases.

To the right of the search field there is a process indicator that shows you when the search is estimated to be completed. Of course, a large register takes longer to search.

The result of a pattern search is that only the records in the register that contain your search term will be displayed in the window. At the top of the title bar you can see how many records that matched the pattern search, in this example it became two records.

The latest pattern searches are saved in the PopUp feature until the program is restarted. By clicking on the arrow to the right in the search field you will see the ten latest pattern searches made.

The result of a pattern search.

Search by

Here you select which column you wish to search. The option All columns is selected by default.

Sort by

Here you first select which column that you want to sort. It is possible to change the sorting later on by clicking on the column heading.