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Sorting a List

When you are in the Display list tab you can, by going to Edit | Sort list... in the Window menu or by selecting Sort List... in the Window functions, re-sort the list using other alternatives than those available in the actual Create tab. When you select Sort List..., a sorting window will open. You can re-sort the list using several levels for the different columns in the list. The primary sorting will be at the top. By clicking on the alternatives that you want to sort the list by (in order of importance) in the left part of the window, they will be added to the sorting list in the right part of the window. You can also select whether the sorting order should be ascending or descending.

The Sort window.

In certain lists you can also group sorted records that have underlying records. In these lists the button Group sorting... is activated. The window that opens when you choose Group sorting..., will allow you to perform the corresponding sorting for the classified records.

Some lists are so-called "nested reports" and for these the re-sorting options are limited. This is because data in the nested reports is grouped in several levels. Such lists are characterized by a blue frame during preview and by a Closedwarning message that appears when ordering the report, saying that it can take some time to load it.

Warning message when ordering nested reports.

Sorting can also be saved as a Sorting profile.

Advanced Sorting

By using the Advanced button you access further sorting alternatives. There are also alternatives that are not displayed in the list, this window shows all data columns for the record. Here you first use "drag and drop" to indicate the column(s) where sorting should be made. You can also select whether the sorting order should be ascending or descending.

Advanced sorting.

Once a column has been selected you can double-click on it and modify the expression "behind" the column. Here you also have access to all data columns for the record and a number of functions which you can use to build an advance expression.

Modify expression for advanced sorting.

Quick Sorting of Lists by Double-clicking

You can quickly sort a list by double-clicking the column heading by which you want to sort the list. You can switch between sorting in ascending or descending order by double-clicking repeatedly on the column heading. When a list is sorted in ascending or descending order you will see and arrow that indicates how it is sorted next to the heading. The arrow points up for ascending and down for descending order.

Sorted column in a list.

You can perform a quick-sorting for grouped records and sub-records by double-clicking on the corresponding column heading.

It is also possible to make a quick sorting on several levels by holding down the Ctrl key and double-click on an additional column heading. The first column sorting is then kept and the new column will be added as the secondary sorting. Then it is possible to perform both third and fourth sorting, etc. by repeating the procedure. You can reset a multi-level sorting by double-clicking on a column heading without holding down the Ctrl key. Then, only the selected column heading will become sorted.

A quick sorting remains even if you reload data (Ctrl+Shift+L) from the File menu, but if you load the list again from the Create tab the quick sorting is gone.