You are here: MONITOR Basics > Getting Started > Order Management

Order Management

Now it is time to get started with preparing calculations and register inquiries, quotes and orders.

Go through the following procedures:


If you are going to use this module, you must review the following procedures under Calculations and Orders.

  1. ClosedPre-Calculation

    Create pre-calculations for manufactured parts to get quote prices.

  2. ClosedRegister Manufacturing Order

    Create manufacturing orders. This will generate loading on the work centers. A requirement is created for purchased parts and material included in the manufacturing order.


If you are going to use this module, you must review the following procedures under Inquiries and Orders.

  1. ClosedRegister Inquiry

    It is suggested that you send out inquiries to your suppliers regarding different material requirements that you have generated when registering orders in the Manufacturing module, or for other materials that you need to purchase. This way you can get several suggestions and perhaps choose the supplier that is currently the most inexpensive.

    If you have already registered most of the supplier information, the inquiry header will be automatically filled in, and you can go directly to the part rows and select parts from the part register.

    Then all you have to do is print the inquiry and mail it, or you can send it directly from MONITOR using fax or e-mail.

  2. ClosedRegister Purchase Order

    When you have received responses from your suppliers, it may be time to register a purchase order for the supplier with the cheapest offer. Then you just print the purchase order and mail it, or you can send it directly from MONITOR via fax or e-mail.


If you are going to use this module, you must review the following procedures under Quotes and Orders.

  1. ClosedRegister Quote

    If you have received an inquiry from a customer, you can register a quote for the product in question and send it to the customer.

    If you have already registered most of the customer information, the quote header will be automatically filled in, and you can go directly to the quote rows and select the parts from the part register for which you want to make a quote.

    If you are using the Manufacturing module, you probably already have Pre-calculations for this product. The Pre-calculation indicates how you should price the products you have manufactured, so that you cover your costs and still get a profit margin.

  2. ClosedRegister Customer Order

    For accepted quotes it is time to register customer orders. Then you print the order confirmation and mail it, or send it directly from MONITOR via fax or e-mail.