You are here: MONITOR Basics > Getting Started > Preparations in the Global Settings Module

Preparations in the Global Settings Module

In this module, you need to review a number of procedures found under the headings General, Tables, Printers / Users, and Document Viewing. Go through the following procedures in the following order:

If you have a single user system you do not have to configure the User Rights procedure. Single user systems also only need to review some parts of the Users procedure.
If it is a multi-user system, then you should at this point have setup all users in your network. All the client computers should also have installed the correct printer drivers for the printers that will be used.

Printers / Users

  1. ClosedPrinters

    In the Printers procedure, you should setup the printers that will be used for printouts. These printers should then be linked to different types of printouts per user. This is done in the Users procedure. In a single user system, you only need to do this once for the user name ADMIN. The different types of printouts used in MONITOR can be linked to the same printer, but it is common to have different printers for different types of printouts. There are four main types of printouts used in MONITOR. They include printouts of lists, printouts of different forms (quotes, orders, delivery notes, etc.), printouts of various manufacturing order documents (work cards, travelers, etc.), and printouts of address labels for goods labeling.

  2. ClosedUsers

    In the Users procedure, you register all users that will be using MONITOR.

    Single user version

    Decide if you want to use a password for the ADMIN user. If you enter something in this field, the password will be activated. Then proceed to connect the printers that will be used for different types of printouts to that user.

    Multi-user version

    First you must register all users, and during startup, you must link them to the user type called Active and the User rights group called Administrator (Both user and group). If you will be using passwords, also enter a password for each user. During the training phase, all users should have administrative rights. This will make it easier to identify the different user rights that will later form the basis for the user rights groups that will be created in the User Rights procedure. Then you should connect the printers that will be used for different types of printouts by each user.

    You can only add as many users as the number of licenses you have purchased. Below the user table, you will see a total of how many users you have setup, as well as the maximum number of users your license agreement allows you to setup.

  3. ClosedUser Rights

    In the User Rights procedure, you should create user groups (this only applies to multi-user systems). This is done after startup and the initial training phase, but should be completed before you start operating in the actual database. These groups are used to define which user rights, permissions, and access rights the users will be granted in different parts of the system. You can create a new group by going to File | Register new or by clicking the button New group user rights in the Window functions. You should define the user rights and permissions for each group. These rights may apply to entire modules, a menu heading or one individual menu item (procedure) in the Procedure menu.

    When you have created the groups and defined the user rights and permissions for the respective groups, you should link all users to their corresponding groups. This is done in the Users procedure.

Document Viewing

  1. ClosedUpdate Instruction

    In this procedure, you can create your own instructions, quality documents etc., using your own company guidelines and descriptions, all of which can be applied to the procedures in MONITOR. The procedure, for which you want to create an instruction, must be activated when you open this procedure. The instructions will be saved per procedure in the database.

    It is not necessary to create your own instructions before starting to use the system, but it can be useful to create them as soon as possible, in order to make it easier for the users to understand how they should use the different procedures in MONITOR. The application of the different procedures is partially governed by your company's specific needs and ways of working.

    There is a supplement called Document Viewing. By using this it is possible to link external documents such as drawings, control instructions etc. to different records, for example parts, orders, customers and suppliers.


  1. ClosedCompany Info

    The information about your company entered here, will be printed as company info on different forms. Under the tab Addresses etc., you enter the company's name, address and other relevant information. You should also determine which company language and currency should be used in the system. MONITOR comes with a number of languages and one currency. Under the References tab, you should enter your company references, usually those who work within purchase and sales in the company.

  2. ClosedSettings

    The settings that are configured in this procedure will, to some extent, govern work methods and the way some procedures are conducted in the system. The settings you enter under each tab are specific for each of the respective modules in MONITOR.

    However, it may be too early to determine all the settings in this procedure during the startup period. For this reason, the system is delivered with a standard set of default settings. In many cases, these default settings will be quite sufficient. If you need to, you can always go back to this procedure and change the settings. In order to configure all the settings in this procedure, most companies usually need to carefully consider how they intend to use the system before actually configuring the settings.

  3. ClosedNumber Series

    In this procedure you determine the different number series that are used for invoices, orders and so forth. These are usually determined just before you start operating the actual MONITOR system. During the startup phase, you do not need to enter this procedure.

  4. ClosedRegister Accounting Year

    When you have completed the preparations and you start running the actual system, the current accounting year should be registered in this procedure.

    The accounting year must be registered, even if you do not use the Accounting module. This is needed in order to allow the budget or other statistics to be displayed per accounting year instead of per calendar year.

  5. ClosedCreate Chart of Accounts

    In this procedure, you indicate the type of Chart of Accounts that will be used once you start operating the system. There is a number of different Charts of Accounts to choose from. In the Create Chart of Accounts procedure you will find the current chart of accounts. After you have created the Chart of Accounts, you can change account information, and add or remove accounts in the Accounting module in the Chart of Accounts or the Print Chart of Accounts procedures. If you do not use the Accounting module, these changes to the Chart of Accounts should instead be made in the Tables | Chart of Accounts / Standard Accounts procedure in the Global Settings module.

  6. ClosedRegister Budget Chart

    The budget charts that you register in this procedure are used during budget registration for the accounts in the Chart of Accounts, or when preparing budgets for different parts, customers or suppliers. A budget chart, or seasonal fluctuation, is a chart that shows how large a percentage of the annual total that should be distributed between the different periods.

  7. ClosedVoucher Number Series

    If you are using the Accounting module, you must here register the voucher number series to be used, in order to be able to start registering vouchers. If you are using integration to the accounting from other parts of MONITOR, you must reserve a number series for your current accounting (book-keeping) as well as a number series for each type of ledger you use. These ledger types include customer invoices, incoming payments, supplier invoices, outgoing payments as well as the preliminary coded supplier invoices. The integrated number series are first given a voucher number series each in the Number Series procedure.

  8. ClosedForm Settings

    The settings that are configured here will determine the appearance and contents that will be used for different forms. In this procedure you choose the settings for different forms. The most common settings have been preset as default. After configuring the settings you must create the forms by clicking on the Generate all forms button.

  9. ClosedForm Additional Text

    The additional texts that are entered here will appear in the additional text rows on the different forms. This is where you enter different additional text for the respective languages (included in MONITOR) that you wish to use. As examples, we have included some default additional text. These can be used directly, or you can change them as needed.

  10. ClosedManufacturing Order Documents

    There are specific settings for the manufacturing order documents, similar to the form settings. The manufacturing order documents are another type of forms that are used for manufacturing. This is where you determine how many types you plan to use, and what they should be called. The settings that are configured here will determine the appearance and contents that will be used on these forms. Work cards and Travelers are examples of manufacturing order documents. After configuring the settings you must create the forms by clicking on the Generate document button.

  11. ClosedPayment Reminder Text

    The payment reminder text consists of sentences that will be included when you print payment reminders. This is where you enter different sentences for the payment reminders that you wish to use. As examples, there are some default payment reminder texts included. These can be used directly, or you can change them as needed.


  1. ClosedTerms and Conditions

    You must create all the terms and conditions before you can create customers and suppliers. This is where you enter different phrases for the terms and conditions that will apply to Sales and Purchase. As examples, there are some default terms and conditions included. You first setup the different terms and conditions in the company language, which you defined in the Company Info procedure. When required, you can then use the company language as a basis to translate terms to other languages of the ones available in the Languages procedure.

  2. ClosedChart of Accounts / Standard Accounts

    In this procedure you should create a few basic tables for standard accounts. These basic tables will then be used by the system to create accounting orders after customer invoicing, customer payments, and supplier invoices, etc. It is therefore important that these tables are correctly filled in before you start running the system. If the Accounting module is used, you only need to enter Standard Accounts. The other tables can then be found in the Accounting module, and are not active here. The system comes with default accounts according to the basic Chart of Accounts. This applies to the tabs Standard Accounts and Chart of Accounts. Chart of Accounts / Standard Accounts are registered first, in order to check that the account exists during coding, and to determine if the account shall be recorded with a cost center, cost unit, or a project.

  3. ClosedProduct Groups

    This procedure is a support feature which will automatically suggest purchase accounts and sales accounts when you register orders. Therefore, you should establish accounting groups and product groups, and link these together with the sales or purchase accounts. Use the company's Chart of Accounts as a basis to find your product groups.

  4. ClosedDiscount Categories

    If you only grant discounts per customer, you can skip this procedure. This is where you enter categories for value or volume discounts. Under the Discount matrix tab you enter the limits for the different discount levels, and also whether they should be calculated per quantity or per value.

  5. ClosedUnits

    In this procedure, you establish the different units used for materials and parts or items which should be managed in the system. Use your company language and, if needed, translate to other languages.

  6. ClosedPart Codes

    When you have defined and determined different part classifications, you must create part codes for these classifications. You might not be able to determine the part codes during the startup phase, but you should establish them before you start registering parts in the system. There are no preset default examples of part codes, as these can be defined in so many different ways.

  7. ClosedCategories

    This is where you create categories to classify the records in the registers you have created for your parts, customers and suppliers. You can also determine these categories at a later stage, when you are setting up the different registers.

  8. ClosedPrice Lists

    This procedure lets you create different price lists that will be used in the system. The different price lists should then be linked to parts. It is always good if you can decide which price lists you are going to use as soon as possible.

  9. ClosedLanguages

    If needed, you can in this procedure enter additional languages and translate the headings that are printed on different forms. The basic language (the original) which is used when you translate the heading texts is shown in the left column. You can also change the headings of your company language in this procedure.

  10. ClosedCurrencies

    By using this procedure, you can configure several different currencies, if your company imports or exports goods/services.