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Static Registers with Basic Data

During startup it will be sufficient if you register a "bank" of your most common basic data in your static registers, such as parts, work centers and structures, suppliers, customers etc.

Go through the following procedures in proper order:


If you are going to use this module, you must review some procedures under Work Centers and Parts.

  1. ClosedUpdate Work Center

    Configure the different work centers (production groups) that will be used in your company's manufacturing process.

  2. ClosedCompany Calendar and Work Center Calendar

    Create a company calendar and work center calendars, if needed, for at least one year ahead. Work center calendars are only required if you want to make exceptions for a work center in relation to the company calendar.

    During each year switch you should create a new company calendar for the year to come. In occurring cases you should also create new work center calendars for the year to come.

  3. ClosedPreparation

    Create the most common structures for your manufactured parts.

    A useful feature in the system is that you in the preparation procedure can register your parts in the part register in connection with setting up the structures.

    As you go along, you create additional structures for your manufactured parts. When the manufactured parts have been registered and you have created their structures, the system is ready to run pre-calculations (preliminary calculations or product costing) for these parts.

    When registering parts, you should use lower-case letters and not only upper-case (capital) letters in the name for each part. See the example below:

    Gable semi-finished


In this module you must review a few procedures under the sub-modules Parts and Suppliers.

  1. ClosedUpdate Part

    This is where you register a "bank" of the most common purchase parts that will be used in the system.

    If you use the Manufacturing module, you can also register purchase parts in the Preparation procedure when you create structures.

  2. ClosedUpdate Supplier

    Register the most common suppliers that you usually purchase goods from. You must at least register suppliers for the purchase parts that you have already entered.


In this module you must review a few procedures under the sub-modules Parts and Customers. In some cases, you should also review Services / Sellers.

  1. ClosedUpdate Part

    This is where you register a "bank" of the most common sales parts that will be used in the system.

    If you use the Manufacturing module, you can also register the parts in the Preparation procedure when you create the structures.

  2. ClosedUpdate Customer

    Register the customers that you frequently sell to.

  3. ClosedUpdate Services

    If your company is also a service company, you need to register the different services you provide. Start by establishing the most common services you provide.

  4. ClosedUpdate Seller

    If your company has a large sales organization, you may need to register the sales persons/sellers individually. Start by registering your most common sellers.

Workshop Info

In order to be able to use the Workshop Info module, you must review a number of procedures in the sub-modules Schedules / Tables and Employees.

  1. ClosedCodes

    In order to record employee attendance, you must enter the necessary salary types from your payroll program. You will also need absence codes that will be used during recording, and these must be linked to salary types.

    For work recording you may also need to enter indirect work codes, not order-bound work codes and interruption codes.

  2. ClosedUpdate Schedule

    Create weekly schedules linked to salary types, schedules for overtime compensation, as well as schedules for working hours and compensation for worked hours during inconvenient working hours (if these entitle a salary supplement). These schedules should then be linked to the schedule calendar.

  3. ClosedSchedule Calendars

    Create yearly calendars for working hours and link them to the correct weekly schedule. You need a schedule calendar in order to enter all public holidays or similar dates and to be able to use different shifts. These calendars should then be linked to the employees.

  4. ClosedGroup Settings

    Group settings are used as templates when registering employees in the Update Employee procedure. The settings that you define here will automatically be loaded during employee registration. Any changes made to these settings will automatically affect all employees that are linked to the respective group settings.

  5. ClosedUpdate Employee

    In this procedure you create a personal register in which each employee is given an employee number and is linked to both schedule calendars and group settings, and is also given other recording related settings.


In order to be able to use the Accounting module, you must review a number of procedures in the sub-modules Registers and Switch Year / Period. It is also necessary to review certain procedures under General in the Global Settings module.

  1. ClosedRegister Accounting Year (Global Settings module)

    Enter you company's current accounting year with the first and last date of the accounting year, and how many periods (months) the accounting year contains. You can also register the following accounting year, which will allow you to register budgets/forecasts, as well as allocations pertaining to the next accounting year.

  2. ClosedSettings (Global Settings module)

    Under the Accounting tab in this procedure, there are some settings that must be reviewed before startup. These are mainly settings for the integration of ledgers to the accounting module. Start by determining whether the accounting orders that are printed after customer invoicing, incoming payments and so on, should be manually recorded in the accounting or if a voucher should automatically be created in your accounting. By using different settings, you indicate whether the respective ledgers should be integrated or not.

    A more detailed description of this matter can be found in the reference manuals.

  3. ClosedCreate Chart of Accounts (Global Settings module)

    Enter which Chart of Accounts type that will be used. There is a number of different Charts of Accounts to choose from. Furthermore, the chart of accounts types are also available in English.

    You should choose the minimal version of the Chart of Accounts, if your company does not need the maximum number of accounts. You can always register new accounts later on in the Accounting module.

    Please Note! The existing Chart of Accounts that has been registered in the system will be deleted once a new one is created!

  4. ClosedNumber Series (Global Settings module)

    This procedure in the Global Settings module contains certain number series that indirectly affect the accounting module. These are number series for customer invoice ledger, incoming payment ledger, supplier invoice ledger, outgoing payment ledger and perhaps even preliminary coding ledger.

    If these ledgers are to be integrated automatically into the accounting, this procedure is used to enter which voucher number series that these ledgers will use. You must reserve one number series per ledger type.

  5. ClosedVoucher Number Series (Global Settings module)

    Before you can start registering vouchers, you must use this procedure to setup the voucher number series that will be used in the accounting. If you have linked different voucher number series to integrated ledgers via the Number Series procedure, those voucher number series must be registered in this procedure.

  6. ClosedChart of Accounts

    In this procedure, you can register/create new accounts that are not included in the Chart of Accounts.

  7. ClosedPrint Chart of Accounts

    This procedure can be used to display the entire Chart of Accounts on your screen, in order to change account information directly in the list. You can also easily delete accounts in this procedure. The account information that is important to review during startup includes the possibility of accounting per cost center/cost unit/project, and linking the affected accounts to the correct row in the VAT report. The accounts that are included the VAT report are for example input VAT and output VAT accounts, sales accounts and accounts for purchases from EU countries.

  8. ClosedCost Center / Cost Unit

    If you are going to be recording at a cost center or cost unit level, you must first register them in this procedure.

  9. ClosedOpening Balance

    Enter your company's opening balances in this procedure.