You are here: Global Settings > General > Manufacturing Order Documents > Adjusting Text Appearance

Adjusting Text Appearance

At the bottom of the window there are text boxes called Main report, Operation rows, Operation heading, Material rows, Part text, Order text, Additional name and Additional text material/operation. Here you can enter different programming codes to adjust the appearance of the text that will be printed. For example, you can change the font size and style for the different parts of the manufacturing order documents. Here are a few examples of codes that can be used here. For further information regarding these codes, please contact the Support Center at Monitor ERP System AB.

Please Note! Before you change any existing codes here, please write them down first exactly as they are! Furthermore, do not enter any of your own codes here before having received proper instructions from the Support Center at Monitor ERP System AB on how they should be entered. If the codes are entered incorrectly here, then the order documents will be printed incorrectly or they may not be printed at all!

Main Report

To change to bar code for a large part number:

stor_artnr.Font.Face='BC C39 2 to 1 Medium'

Operation Rows

For making the operation description bold:


To create more space between operations:


Material Rows

To sort the material first by part type, second by location and third by part number:

datawindow.table.sort='vy_artikeltyp_kortben A, caktiv_lplats A, artikel_art_artnr A'