You are here: Global Settings > General > Manufacturing Order Documents > Quantity


In the quantity field (Qty.), you enter the number of copies of the manufacturing order document that should be printed by default. If you enter 0 under quantity, this document will not be suggested for printout. This means that the Code for this order document will not be displayed in the printout procedure. If you enter a higher number, such as 2, then two copies will be suggested during printout.

In the printout procedure in the Card field, the number of copies enter here will be suggested by default. If the code for the document type for example is T and the quantity is 2, the Card field will display T2 (se the image below). In the printout procedure you can also temporarily adjust the quantity or which cards to print by changing this manually before you execute the printout.

Codes and Quantity for manufacturing order printouts in the Print Manufacturing Order procedure.