You are here: Global Settings > EDI > EDI Links > Link Method

Link Method

In the Link method field you enter how the transfer of data should be executed. Depending on which link method you have selected for a certain export/import link you can enter additional information about the link method under the Method settings section. Read more about Method settings below. The available alternatives are:


Overwrite file - This indicates whether an existing file shall be overwritten during a new export. If this option has not been selected, the existing file will be added at the end (appended).

Directory - indicates in which directory the file will be placed during export or loaded from during import.

Communication program - the program that will be used during special message conversions.

Keep file after import - This indicates whether or not the imported file shall be saved after import.


Server (POP3) - indicates which e-mail server that will be used.

User name - indicates the user name for the login to the e-mail account that is used during import.

Password - indicates the password for the login to the e-mail account that is used during import.

Sender - indicates the sender's e-mail address during export. During import it is a filter for import of e-mail from a certain sender.

Send reply to - indicates to which e-mail address a reply should be sent to (if other than the sender).

Recipient - indicates which e-mail address that the file should be sent to via e-mail.

CC to - indicates which e-mail address that should receive a copy.

BCC to - indicates which e-mail address that should receive a blind copy.

Subject - indicates a subject/heading for the e-mail message during export. During import it is a filter for import of e-mail with a certain subject.

Message - indicates a message text in the e-mail message.


Server address - indicates which FTP server that is used to transfer files via the FTP account.

User name - the user name for the FTP account.

Password - the password to the FTP account.

Port - indicates which TCP port that will be used during transfer to the FTP account (the standard is 21).

Directory - the directory that is used in the FTP account.

Overwrite file - indicates whether an existing file should be overwritten during a new export. If this option has not been selected, the existing file will be added at the end (appended).

Passive mode - selected if the FTP server requires communication in passive mode.

Use temporary file name - indicates that the file transfer to the FTP server during export should take place using a temporary file name. When the transfer is complete the file name is changed into the regular file name. This is only used in exceptional cases.

File Browser

This option makes it possible to select a path during each import or export.

Overwrite file - With this alternative the existing file in the destination directory will be overwritten during a new export.

Remember path - Select this option if you want the system to remember the path.

Default path - Here you will see the latest used path.

Keep file after import - This indicates whether or not the imported file shall be saved after import.

The file browser supports the following file formats: