You are here: Using MONITOR Procedures > Electronic Invoice Management > Preview Access

Preview Access

An image of an invoice can be reviewed at a later time (retrieved) from a number of different procedures and lists. The access level to perform such a review can be configured as below:

All invoices means that there are no restrains regarding which type of invoices that the user can view, that is, all invoices can be looked at. Own invoices means that the user only can view the invoices that he/she has authorized. However, you can make exceptions from this by using the function Preview Access per Supplier. See more about this in the section below.

Own invoices + supplier setting means that the user has the same access rights as the alternative Own invoices in addition of all suppliers for which no exceptions have been selected in the Preview Access per Supplier procedure.

With the permission Own invoices activated on the user you can review invoices that you yourself have worked with in the authorizing process. However, it can be useful to allow exceptions from this limited permission. If for example several purchasers order supplies from the same suppliers, you might wish to determine that the user PAUL should be given permission to review all invoices from the supplier TIBNOR, even though somebody else has made the specific purchase and authorized the invoice from that supplier. This can be determined in two places in MONITOR: