You are here: Using MONITOR Procedures > Electronic Invoice Management > Invoices without Purchase Orders

Invoices without Purchase Orders

When the registration window opens for registration the first invoice appears in a separate window to the right. You can, of course, choose in which order you want to register the invoices. You can move back and forth between the invoices. You can also zoom in on the invoice, move it up, down and sideways. On the invoice image you can also add annotations, stamps ("post-it" notes), highlights etc. Read more about the different tools under the section Window functions.

In the window frame at the top of the invoice window you can see how many invoices that you at the moment can find in the inbasket. This number will decrease as the invoices are registered in MONITOR.

Register supplier invoices without purchase order.

You start to register the invoice the usual way. In the last field you enter a code for the Authorized signer. This code can represent a signer or a list of several signers. To the right of the authorized signer field there is a button where you can change the order of the authorization list, in cases where the invoice should be sent to several people.

The Link Users to Invoice window.

If it is a predefined authorization list that has been registered under the References tab in the Company Info procedure in the Global Settings, then the authorized signers have already been selected. However, it is possible adjust if desired. The persons that are listed under the heading Selected user will receive the invoice for authorization. Click OK in order to return to the registration window.

By using a setting you can activate Pre-coding of supplier invoices. This means that it is possible to enter the purchase coding for the invoice at registration. These coding records will be sent out along with the invoice on the authorization round.

As usual when you register invoices you receive a unique consecutive number for the invoice in question. This number will always be displayed at the top of the scanned invoice image. When you are ready, click Save. Besides the data about the invoice which is saved in MONITOR, the invoice image is also saved but in the separate EIM-database.

If the invoice should go via purchase, see below.
