You are here: Using MONITOR Procedures > Electronic Invoice Management > Register EIM Users

Register EIM Users

The first thing you have to do in order to get started with the Electronic Invoice Management is to register information for the users in MONITOR that will use the function. This also includes the users who will only be able to view the supplier invoices on screen.

Open the Users procedure under the Printers / Users menu in the Global Settings module. Here you find all registered MONITOR users. Select a user in the list and then click the EIM button as you can see in the image below.

The Users procedure.

When you click the EIM button, a window opens where you register user information for the selected user.

If you receive the following error message when you click the EIM button, it means that you are not registered as a user in the EIM-database. You can then register yourself as a user by logging on as ADMIN user or as another MONITOR user who is already registered in the EIM-database.

The settings under the EIM button are saved per company. This means that a user, who is registered in several companies, can have different settings for purchase limits, signer code, etc. in different companies.

Warning message that appears if the user is missing.

Users who will only authorize invoices via MONITOR's external authorization function also have to be registered as users in MONITOR. These users should be set as Inactive. Otherwise you will need extra MONITOR licenses. If the user for whom you are about to enter different settings has not yet been registered in the EIM-database, you will see the text Not registered! in red to the right of the user name. When you have entered the necessary information and clicked OK, the user becomes registered in the EIM-database.

The User info window for the Electronic Invoice Management.

User Info

At the top of the window you find the User field. This field cannot be changed. It displays the logon name for the user in the MONITOR-database. In the Signer code field you enter the signer code for the user. The signer code must be registered in the Company Info in the Global Settings module. Read more about this under the section References/Authorization lists. By checking the check box Authorized to changed authorization order the user is given permission to change in the authorization order when an invoice is sent via an authorization list.

In the Company area you can see the different companies in which the user has been registered. If a user should be registered to use EIM functions in several companies, registration must take place in the respective companies. However, the information that is registered is common for all companies.

Permissions in Register Supplier Invoice

In the Register Supplier Invoice it is possible to work with three different tasks:

Select which task/tasks that the user should have permission to perform.

Permissions when Previewing Invoices

An image of an invoice can be reviewed at a later time (retrieved) from a number of different procedures and lists. The access level to perform such a review can be configured as below:

All invoices means that there are no restrains regarding which type of invoices that the user can view, that is, all invoices can be looked at. Own invoices means that the user only can view the invoices that he/she has authorized. However, you can make exceptions from this by using the function Preview Access per Supplier. Own invoices + supplier setting means that the user has the same access rights as the alternative Own invoices in addition of all suppliers for which no exceptions have been selected in the Preview Access per Supplier procedure.

Read more about review permissions in the section called Miscellaneous.


In this section there are several settings that you can use to configure the forwarding of invoices to another user.

The During absence alternative is used when the user in question for example is on vacation or away for a longer period of time and when you wish somebody else to authorize the invoices during this time. The invoice is automatically sent forward to the specified user, for the entered period of time.

The When invoice is overdue alternative is used when invoices that are about to become overdue for payment should be sent forward to another user. You should here enter how many days before the due date that the invoice should be sent on and also to which user.

The alternative called The invoice waiting for authorization is used when the invoice should be forwarded to a selected user when it has waited for authorization during a long period of time. Enter how many days that the invoices should remain unauthorized before they are sent forward.

Forwarding for setting two and three above takes place via a "run" that is performed via the Search Supplier Invoice procedure in the Accounts Payable. To perform an AutoRun for the forwarding you need the supplement called MONITOR Agent.

Amount Limit

Here you enter if the user should be allowed to authorize up to a certain amount. This specified amount refers to the amount on the invoice, excluding VAT, in the company currency. If the user approves/authorizes an invoice with an amount which is larger than the purchase limit, then the invoice will automatically be sent on to the head signer entered here. If the invoice is linked to an authorization list the invoice will be sent to the head signer before it is forwarded to the next person on the authorization list.


Here you enter different settings in order to monitor events that the user should perform.

By activating the setting Show reminder when there is a supplier invoice to authorize the user will receive a message on screen when invoices have been sent to him/her for authorization.

The message reminding that there are invoices to take care of.

A corresponding reminder can be activated for invoices that should be final coded. This is determined with a separate setting and it can be useful to activate it for the users who perform final coding of invoices.

The setting Send reminder via e-mail when there is an invoice to authorize is used when the system should send and e-mail message to the user, informing that there are invoices to authorize. It can be suitable to activate especially for users that are not logged-on to MONITOR very often, for example a salesperson.

Authorization of an invoice can be made in different ways in the system. It is also possible to perform via an external authorization function. Because of this feature it is good to select which type of authorization procedure that should be opened by default for the respective user when the reminder is displayed on screen. This selection is made with Open when reminded of authorization. The available alternatives here are:

Finally there is a setting where you enter a Monitoring time interval. Here you enter the time in minutes that should elapse before the reminder of invoice authorization is displayed again.