You are here: Using MONITOR Procedures > Electronic Invoice Management > Via the Register Supplier Invoice Procedure

Via the Register Supplier Invoice Procedure

To open this procedure manually, go to the Purchase module and in under the Accounts Payable menu. There you will find the Register Supplier Invoice procedure.

When you open the procedure, a box appears asking what you intend to do.

Register Supplier Invoice, Select Task.

In the window above you should select the middle alternative. If the window is not displayed when the procedure is opened, it is due to that the logged-on user is only authorized to sign and approve invoices.

The invoices you shall approve are then displayed on your screen. You can authorize the invoices in whatever order you like. You can browse among the invoices via the PopUp feature in the Consecutive number field at the top of the window. You can also use the navigation buttons in the toolbar: Previous/Next invoice.

Invoices without Purchase Orders

Unlike the Authorize Supplier Invoices procedure there is no visible coding window where you can code and authorize per row. However, if you are using the preliminary coding of supplier invoices, you can enter how the invoice should be coded via the Pre-coding button. This coding will then be sent along to the final coding.

If the invoice is okay, it might be appropriate to add a personal stamp on the invoice and then save. The invoice will then automatically be sent to the next signer or to the final coding.

Invoices Based on Purchase Orders

If the invoice has been preliminary linked to a purchase order at the registration, you will see an order number in red. You can then switch to the Order link tab and there check that everything is OK. You can also change price, add rows etc. Then click on the Preliminary link button and save the invoice. The invoice will then automatically be sent to the next signer or to the final coding.

If the invoice did not become linked to purchase order at the registration, but you wish to do so when you receive the invoice for authorization, you should enter the order number in the first tab. Then you can link the orders and order rows that the invoice refers to in the Order link tab. Then click on the Preliminary link button and save the invoice.

Different Alternatives of How to Save the Invoice

Besides approving the invoice by clicking on Save, there are also other alternatives. These alternatives can be accessed via File in the window menu.

The File menu when the EIM is in use.

Some of the functions above can also be accessed via buttons in the toolbar.

Save is used to authorize/approve the invoice. The invoice will then be sent to the next signer or to the final coding. Next invoice is automatically displayed.

Save – not send forward is used if you have processed the invoice in any way, for example added a note or made a coding, but you want it to remain in your inbasket.

Send forward is used in case the invoice has been sent to you by mistake. You can then forward it to another signer. You will then see a list with users/signers to whom you can send the invoice.

Approve – send forward is used if the invoice should be approved by you but you also want to forward it to another signer for further approval. You will then see a list with users/signers to whom you can send the invoice.

Do not approve is used if you do not want to approve or authorize an invoice. It is good if you first add an annotation on the invoice with the cause of this. The invoice will then automatically be sent to the final coding where a message will be displayed saying that the invoice has not been approved.

When there are no more invoices to final code

When you have completed all invoices, you will receive the following message: When you click on OK, the procedure will close.

The message that is displayed when there are no more invoices to authorize.