Company Info

Open the Company Info procedure, under the General menu in the Global Settings module, and click the Extra info button at the bottom of the Addresses etc. tab.

Unifaun Online and Pacsoft Online

  1. In some cases you might have to enter a Shipper ID (From) for dispatch advice to Pacsoft/Unifaun.
    (This is not entered in normal cases. The setting determines which shipper that will be used in Pacsoft Online. If nothing is entered here, shipper 1 will be used.)
  2. If you are going to use Unifaun Online you enter a Shipper ID (LegalFrom) for dispatch advice to Unifaun.
  3. If you are going to use Unifaun Online you also enter User name Unifaun Online.
    (This information is mandatory if you want to be able to perform goods searches during Unifaun Online Plus.)


During registration you enter the information below that you received, or chose, from Memnon Networks:

* Normally the same information.

Fradok (DHL)

You do not have to enter any information for Fradok.

Delivery Addresses in the Company Information

Make sure that the delivery addresses are entered correctly.

Domestic Delivery Address

If you use country code for Sweden this is entered as SE followed by hyphen and zip code.

SE-824 26 Hudiksvall

824 26 Hudiksvall

International Delivery Address

Make sure that all foreign/international addresses have the correct country code in front of the zip code. You enter the country's English name on the Country row.

Example 1:

Example 2: