You are here: Manufacturing > Orders > Outline


Under the menu heading Orders in the Manufacturing module, you will find procedures that deal with all aspects of manufacturing order management, except for reporting. The different options for manufacturing order reporting can be found under the Reporting menu heading of the Manufacturing module or under the Recording Procedures menu heading the in the Workshop Info module.

You will also find the menu heading Orders in the Purchase and Sales modules. In those cases the heading contains procedures for purchase order and customer order management, respectively.

There are several manufacturing order documents that are connected to the actual manufacturing order. These are defined in the Manufacturing Order Documents procedure in the Global Settings module. Before you can register a manufacturing order, you must have created preparations for the manufactured parts in the Preparation procedure.

Below you will find a brief description of all the procedures that can be found under the Orders menu in the Manufacturing module of a complete MONITOR system.

Register Manufacturing Order

This is where you register new manufacturing orders. You can also replan or delete existing manufacturing orders in this procedure. Furthermore, you can register a project in connection with order registration. The system also allows you to select the structure, explosion, material requirement or partial replanning of previously registered manufacturing orders. Manufacturing orders can only be registered for parts that already have a preparation, i.e. that consist of certain operations and materials, which are registered in the Preparation procedure.

Print Manufacturing Order

In the Print Manufacturing Order procedure you request and approve printouts of manufacturing order documents. You can print an entire order, or just specific parts in a structure order, as well as an entire project. When registering orders in the Register Manufacturing Order procedure, you can access this procedure directly using the Print tab. By default, the Print tab will contain the orders that were just registered under the Search Form tab. If you do not want to print manufacturing order documents directly during registration, you can print them later on using this procedure. Please note that this procedure cannot be opened if you have the Register Manufacturing Order procedure open.

Order List - Manufacturing

In the Order List - Manufacturing procedure you will see parts that contain registered manufacturing orders, as well as the order’s status. If you have registered a manufacturing plan, it can be printed here. Apart from this information, you can see additional information for each part regarding operations, materials or both.

Order Info

The Order Info procedure contains all the manufacturing order information taken from the registration and already performed reporting. This is an easy way of viewing all available information of a manufacturing order. The procedure also shows you where a particular part, included in the manufacturing order, currently is located in the actual production. This is a handy and frequently used procedure, and can therefore also be opened using the Info menu if you right-click in different windows.

Adding / Replanning

The Adding / Replanning procedure is used when you need to add or replan operations or materials for an already registered manufacturing order. An example can be when you have more customer-specific products or when you manufacture products in several different versions, and you can usually only make a preliminary preparation.

Orders / Work Center

Here you can see which operations are linked to different work centers.

Flow Analysis - Manufacturing

Here you can make a flow analysis of the manufacturing order. The flow analysis is used to analyze existing orders, that is, to make sure that the entire flow - from purchase via manufacturing to delivery - is in phase.

If the flow is not in phase, the flow analysis will show the consequences that this will lead to. The final consequence may be delayed deliveries. You will find information about new delivery times and where the problem occurs. You will also see what possibilities you have to catch up, for example to reduce the number of queue days.

You can analyze the flow based on either a purchase order, manufacturing order, customer order or an operation on a manufacturing order (priority plan).

Loading Plan / Work Center

Here you can see which loading plan and capacity plan a particular work center has for different periods.

Loading Selection

This procedure allows you to see the total loading and capacity plan as a total per period for several work centers.

Loading Simulation

Here you can create simulated manufacturing orders. These simulations can then be used to check what kind of loading you will have on your work centers. You can also check what material requirements will occur, based on a simulated manufacturing order. At a later point you can also generate actual manufacturing orders from simulations you have saved.

Quote Backlog Simulation

This procedure allows you to simulate manufacturing orders from quotes that have been selected to be included during simulation / requirements planning. The program will then also take the probability codes for the quotes into consideration. These simulations can be used to check what kind of loading you will have on your work centers. You can also check what material requirements will occur, based on simulated manufacturing orders.

Material Clearance

Here you can create either clearance lists or pick lists. This procedure can also be used to make sure that you have all the necessary material for an order before the order is started or picking is started in your warehouse. In other words, this procedure checks the requirements that the order have against the physical balance that exists, and then reports any shortages that will make it impossible for the order to be started.

Pick List

Here you can print a pick list for material on the manufacturing order, clear material in connection with the printout and report material withdrawals for the manufacturing order in a list.

This procedure can be used to make sure that you have all the necessary material for an order before the order is started or picking is started in your warehouse. In other words, this procedure checks the requirements that the order have against the physical balance that exists, and then reports any shortages that will make it impossible for the order to be started.