You are here: Manufacturing > Work Centers > Update Work Center > Basic Time

Basic Time

Basic time is a value that represents the number of hours per day or shifts at a work center. Basic time controls two things:

  1. The total capacity of the work center, shown in the loading plan.
  2. How much time is used each day, used in lead time calculations in connection with order placement. The default basic time value is 8 hours.

To obtain the capacity per day, you multiply Basic time with the number of Shifts and the Capacity factor. To obtain the time used per day, you multiply Basic time with the number of Shifts.

Here is an example of how you should enter the factors for different work center options:

Premise: 1 machine, 2 shifts and 8 hours / shift.
Capacity factor=1, Number of shifts=2 and Basic time=8.
Creates in the System:
Total capacity = 16 hours / day, Time used per day = 16 hour / day.

Premise: 4 machines, 1 shift and 8 hours / day.
Capacity factor=4, Number of shifts=1 and Basic time=8.
Creates in the System:
Total capacity = 32 hours / day, Time used per day = 8 hour / day.

Premise: 2 machines, 2 shifts and 8 hours / shift.
Capacity factor=2, Number of shifts=2 and Basic time=8.
Creates in the System:
Total capacity = 32 hours / day, Time used per day = 16 hour / day.

The factors number of Shifts and Capacity factor are used as permanent values (applied until further notice) to describe the total capacity and used time for lead time calculations.

In the Production Calendars procedure there is a capacity factor that by default is 1 for each weekday and 0 for each holiday (non-business or non-working day). The capacity factor in the calendar describes whether the staff is "working/not working". The calendar can be used to describe the production time (manufacturing time) in detail by entering weekends, vacations and makeup days.

You can also describe the total capacity in calendar time. For example, under a certain period (or as of a certain period) you will be using 12 welders instead of 10 welders, or that 2 shifts are used during this period. Then you set the Shifts factor to 1 and the Capacity factor to 0 for the work center in question in this procedure. You can then go to the Production Calendars and enter the number of Shifts and the Capacity factor in a work center calendar for that particular work center. In that procedure you can enter the number of Shifts per week, and the Capacity factor per day. The capacity factor in the calendar is the same factor that indicates weekends, holidays and makeup days.

The production calendar used by default is the General calendar, which takes all the holidays into consideration, unless you enter something else in that procedure.