You are here: Workshop Info > Authorize / Adjust > Outline


Under Authorize/Adjust in the Workshop Info module you will find procedures used to review the attendance and work recording, by listing and authorizing recording performed correctly, or adjusting anything that was incorrectly recorded.

Below you will find a brief description of all the procedures that can be found under the Authorize/Adjust menu in the Workshop Info module of a complete MONITOR system.

Authorize / Adjust Recording

This procedure is used to easily verify that all the employee attendance recording is correct as well as to authorize recording, for example to be able to print a salary basis. You can manually adjust (correct) recording and add information about the recording types attendance/absence/lunch and work.

Recording List

Here you can print attendance and work recording lists for employees. There are a number of different printouts to choose from, such as a total of salary types that are used as a salary basis.

Historical Time Balances

All modifications made on an employee's time banks are logged in this procedure. This procedure is used to see which recordings and adjustments that have affected an employee's time bank.

Adjustment List

Here you can print a list of adjustments made in Authorize / Adjust Recording procedure.

Shorter Working Hours

This procedure calculates the shorter working hours earned by employees during the period interval of your choice. This time can later be saved to any optional time balance in MONITOR.


Here you can create presentations regarding reported time, based on attendance recording and work order confirmations. You can also create presentations in chart form.

Import Recording

This procedure is used to import attendance and work recordings from text files.

Salary Basis

This procedure is used to create a salary basis from the attendance recording that has been recorded, and then create one or more files that can be imported into a salary or payroll program. The file format and number of files depend on which payroll program that you will import the file to.