You are here: Manufacturing > Calculations > Post-Calculation > Price Type - Planned / Reported

Price Type - Planned / Reported

Under the heading Price you select price type. There are two options: Planned / Reported and Current.

If you select Planned / Reported, the post-calculation will be created using planned and reported prices. The planned prices for an order are configured during the order registration. The reported prices for an order are configured during the reporting. There will be no price differences if no price changes have taken place between the time of order registration and reporting.

You enter the price alternative that should apply during order registration and reporting under the heading Orders that you will find under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure. During Material Reporting you can also enter an optional price (price per piece or price "each") for the post-calculation at the time of the material withdrawal.

Post-Calculate Latest Order

By using this alternative you can post-calculate the S-parts based on the latest manufacturing order, instead of loading the saved price alternative for the parts. The cost calculation of incorporated S-parts is then based on the result of the latest manufactured order prior to the finish date of the selected order. If no previous order exists, the standard price will be used instead.

You can also use this calculation for S-parts at several levels.