You are here: Manufacturing > Orders > Flow Analysis - Manufacturing > Structure List (Result)

Structure List (Result)

In the structure list under the Result tab you will see delayed and not delayed manufacturing orders. Under the Total section, you can determine if you only want to show delayed orders or not delayed orders. Under the sections Show material and Show operations, you can perform further filtering based on the available criterias.

Manufacturing orders for S-parts are shown with a green symbol and manufacturing orders for M-parts are shown with a red symbol . For each order you can see Part number, Name, Finish period (delivery period), New finish (new delivery period), Difference, Quantity, Overload (OL), Cause (critical work center or material part number. If there are several causes, you will see the text Several... here), Confirmed delay, Queue days, Subcontract days and the number of Operations.

If there is a difference, the New finish or New arrival period is shown in red. If a red exclamation mark (!) is shown here, it means "Material row without arrival". If a blue exclamation mark (!) is shown here, it means that it is a definite delay (lag). If a blue asterisk (*) is shown here, it means that no calculation of New finish has been made for the remaining operations. Instead, the system assumes that the first operation will start today with rest > 0.

For incorporated operations you will see operation number, work center, work center name (this is shown in grey if it is a subcontract), hours (this is shown in red during overload), finish period, new finish period, diff (shown in bold for maximum difference) and row number in the priority plan.

Incorporated material is shown with a yellow symbol for P-parts, a green symbol for S-parts, a red symbol for M-parts and a white symbol for F and G parts. For incorporated material you will see part number, name (this is shown in grey if it is a bucket part or if the part is not "stock updated"), quantity, unit, period when the material requirement occurs, new arrival period, difference, order number and this symbol is shown for order/order rows confirmed as delayed.

You can update the New finish for operations and material in the list. You can also check the box C del. (confirmed delay) on the order row. This can also be made on the order row under the Create tab. When you save, this information is saved to the order.

The structure list under the Result tab.