You are here: Manufacturing > Work Centers > Update Work Center > Efficiency Factor

Efficiency Factor

This is where you enter an average for the efficiency of the work center.

There are lists in the system that show the results of the work center's efficiency during a certain period of time. For example Post-Calculation Selection. You cannot update this field from the list. When printing a loading plan, you can decide whether it should be adjusted using the efficiency factor that you enter in this procedure. If the result is better than planned, the value is over 1.00. If the result is better than planned, the value is over 1.00. For example, if the factor is 1.20, then the loading hours are divided by 1.2 and will therefore show the hours that are more likely to be used to complete that manufacturing process.

The efficiency factor is not used during order registration, and therefore the order lists and manufacturing order documents only show the planned time without using this factor to adjust the value. That means that the lead time calculation is not affected either.