You are here: Manufacturing > Work Centers > Update Work Center > Card Info

Card Info

Below you will find manufacturing order document settings for the work center.

Print Work Card

Here you can decide whether to print work cards for the operations for that particular work center. Work cards are manufacturing order documents that are printed per operation.

You define manufacturing order documents in the Manufacturing Order Documents procedure in the Global Settings module. To create a work card you select Current operations under Operation in that procedure. If you have not defined this kind of document there, the Print work card setting is of no importance. For example, this setting does not affect order documents that have travelers that contain all the operations.

One example of how it is applied, is not to print work cards for subcontracting work centers or for certain tumbling operations, where work cards do not fulfill any meaningful purpose.

Please note. You can also use the Print work card setting to determine if you want to generate subcontract purchase orders or not during the manufacturing order registration. These documents are configured in the Form Settings procedure in the Global Settings module.

Conversion Factor

Here you can enter a value if you want to re-calculate or convert the setup time, unit time and total time on the manufacturing order documents. The default setting is 1.00, which means that there will be no conversion. During conversions, this factor is multiplied by the time.

The conversion factor can be used, for example, if you want to convert times to piece-prices (piece rate, piecework prices, contract price). When the order documents are created, you can also set the unit to SEK.