You are here: Manufacturing > Parts > Import / Export Preparation > The Create Tab

The Create Tab

In the top portion of the Create tab, you select the parts with preparations that you want to export/import. There are several different selection alternatives to choose from.

In the lower portion of the window, you select the part types that you want to include. There you also choose how many max levels you want the part structure to be exploded into, and if you want to import/export from/to another database or from/to text files.

If you select import/export from/to a database, the window to the right will be activated with a graphic display of the databases configured in your system. That window is the same as the window for "Change company" under File in the Window menu. Before the list is loaded, you must select the database that is the target or source database.

If you select to import/export from/to text files, you will be able to select the destination directory for the text files. This is done by using the Save button once the list has been loaded onto your screen during export, and by using Display List during import. The import to database takes place when you Save in the list. You can select encoding.

For advanced users there is an option called Do not overwrite.... Then you can select which tables in the part register that you do not want to include.