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General Information about Where-Used Configuration

What Does This Procedure Do?

In this procedure you can in the Search Form, you can print a report that shows in which configurations a certain part is incorporated. This is also where you decide how many part structure levels that should be displayed. You update configurations in the Update Configuration Group procedure.

All selection alternatives are shown in the structure map regardless of any rules and additions configured for the selection alternatives in the Update Configuration Group.

See a printout sample of the list .

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

There are no update options in this procedure.

Can Any Charts be Displayed?

The right portion of the window consists of a graphic image of a structure map. In the structure map you can see all selection groups and configurations in which the part is incorporated, as well as the link between them. The different selection groups and configurations are represented by a symbol.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.