General Information about Update Customer

Why Use This Procedure?

The Update Customer procedure is used to register new customers, or modify or delete existing customers.

At the top of the window you will find a heading row where you enter customer code, customer name and search words. This procedure consists of four tabs called Addresses/Terms, Info, Statistics and CRM.

The Address/Terms tab contains the primary information about the customer. You will find the mailing and delivery address here, including different terms (such as payment terms, delivery terms etc.), as well as price and discount information. This tab also contains parameters that determine payment reminder methods and miscellaneous export information.

Under the Info tab you enter the customer's references, phone number, fax number and e-mail address. This information can also be entered per reference. You can also find shipping info for this customer under this tab. When registering customers you can create links to ODETTE. This is a standard used for electronic communication between customers and suppliers. Under this tab you can enter customer-specific allowances for the delivery reliability.

The third tab Statistics contains Budget and Results per customer. The option to register a budget per part or seller can also be done in each respective register.

Under the CRM tab you can enter information regarding the customer that will support customer activities. The information you can enter here per customer/contact is customer status, activities and activities/contacts log.

Apart from these tabs, you can also activate an extra tab called Extra info. This tab consists of a number of fields where you can enter optional information. This tab is only available if you have configured the setting Show Extra info tab in Update Customer?, under the section Customers under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure.

The customer register can be printed or displayed on your screen using the Customer List procedure. If you use Display List, you can also update certain fields in the register. You can also re-sort the customer register in different ways when printing. There are also several selection or filtering options available.

Adding and Deleting Customers

You can add a new customer by entering a customer code that does not already exist. You can also add a new customer or reference by importing an electronic business card (vCard). This is done by loading the current vcf file via the function Import electronic business card... in the File menu. You can choose whether you want to load the business card as a New reference for current customer or as a New customer. If you choose the option New customer, you will also have the opportunity to enter a new customer code. You can also add a new customer or reference by using "drag and drop" to drop the vcf file directly in this procedure.

When you delete an existing customer, the system first checks whether that customer is “current” or active. This means that you cannot delete a customer that is being used in the accounts receivable ledger or customer order register. In other words, there cannot be any invoices for this customer in the Accounts Receivable ledger. Nor can there be any registered customer orders or quotes. If you try to delete a seller, the system will check these registers before allowing any deletion. Please read more about this in the MONITOR Basics guide.

Window Functions

Import Electronic Business Card... - using this function you can register a new customer/reference by loading data from a vcf file. Read more here.

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.