The Address/Terms Tab

The Address/Terms tab contains primary information about the customer. The tab is divided into different headings.

The first heading contains the company's address information. The Mailing address is the address that is printed on the invoice, while the Delivery address is usually printed on the delivery note. You can register multiple delivery addresses for the customer. You can enter a special invoice address under Invoice address. Otherwise, the system automatically uses the mailing address as the invoice address. There is also a field where you can enter the customer's Website.

Under the heading Terms you will find Payment terms, Delivery terms, Place of terms of delivery Delivery method (loaded when registering orders), and Valid code (used when registering quotes).

Under the heading Prices you manage different Price lists, Price lists - configuration, Discounts, Discount categories and Alloy costs/mark-ups that apply to this customer.

Under the heading Settings several settings are gathered. These settings determine for example what type of fees and reminders apply to this customer. You will also find settings that determine how the customer shall be invoiced and how orders shall be printed.

Under the heading Export you will find settings for Language, Currency and Date format that apply to this customer, and to which Trade area the customer belongs (Domestic, EU or Export). In Poland you have to set a VAT register and VAT row. In Norway you have to select a Tax code.

The last heading, Misc. contains for example the following "miscellaneous" fields: Customer group determines which sales account will be used during invoicing, VAT code, Corporate ID number, VAT number, Country code, Customer code invoice, Customer code blanket order and Credit limit. You can also select Minimum order amount, Seller, Insurance cost, Customer category and Our supplier number. You can enter the customer's Bank giro and/or PlusGiro number as well as mark if the customer should be invoiced via Factoring or E-invoice. Under the heading Misc. (Miscellaneous) you will also find buttons used to link Prices to the customer, enter Pick instructions and Comments.