
In the Address field you can enter the customer's main e-mail addresses which are not linked to a certain reference. You can register several e-mail address rows per customer.

By pressing F3 or double-clicking in the field you can open the standard e-mail program with the selected e-mail address loaded by default to a new e-mail message. It is then possible to create a log record with a hyperlink to the e-mail message under the CRM tab. This log can be configured as automatic or via a question. This is determined with the setting Use Outlook integration when e-mailing from the CRM tab or activity tabs under CRM under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure.

In the Comments column you can enter a description of each e-mail address.

In the Recipient of field you can select which type of e-mail sending that should be sent to the main e-mail address. You can choose from the following e-mail sendings:

In the column Attached files in e-mail you can determine, per customer, if you want to send all invoices in one e-mail message or not. The setting on the customer overrides the setting called Send several orders/invoices in the same e-mail message which applies to the Print Customer Order, Print Invoices and Print EDI Invoices procedures.

The following alternatives are available:

In the Print Customer Label procedure you can create a list to use when sending e-mails. You can select the company's main e-mail address or the reference's e-mail address. You enter the e-mail address to the references in the section References above.

The default e-mail address for both order confirmation and dispatch advice is normally the reference's e-mail address on the customer order. However, here you can select another recipient for the order confirmation and dispatch advice, if you wish.

Please note! If you have selected to send invoices via e-mail, an e-mail address must be registered under Recipient of invoice.