Cash on Delivery

If you are requesting Cash on delivery, you can use this box to enter the amount in SEK that must be paid upon delivery. You can govern the cash on delivery payment by using different payment terms which are defined under the Payment terms tab in the Terms and conditions procedure. If you load an order/delivery note as the source of info, which has cash on delivery as payment method, then the value in SEK will be loaded to the shipment. The cash on delivery reference becomes the order number/delivery note number.

Giro Number

When using cash on delivery, you can enter the company's giro number that applies for payment upon delivery. You can use a button to switch between help0155.gif and help0156.gif you can select between bank or PlusGiro number registered on the company. The number that has been selected will be displayed on the waybill.

Cash on Delivery Reference

When using cash on delivery, you can enter the reference person that applies for payment upon delivery.