The Basic Data Tab

Under the Basic data tab you create the basic settings for this shipment. For example, here you select which shipping documents should be used, to which customer or supplier the shipment will be sent, the order(s)/delivery note(s) to which the shipment should be linked. You can also add package information here.

Under the section Source of info you select source of info Type as well as the record that shall be linked to the shipment. For all alternatives, besides Customer and Supplier, you can also add more rows in order to link additional records to the same shipment number. If an order has been partially or fully delivered, a separate field will appear where you can select a partial delivery number / sub#.

Under Shipping documents you select SIS Waybill, CMR Waybill, Extra information (for EDI-sending) and a general Address label. A separate tab will appear for the alternative you check here. For the selected shipping agent a separate tab is activated with information for the shipping document.

Under General you enter general information that apply to the shipping agent for this shipment. Such as Terms of delivery, Place of terms of delivery, Freight payer, Transport date, Status (of the shipment), Shipper GAN, Receiver GAN and Other GAN.

Under Package (Pkge) the package information is displayed. Here you can add more package rows or delete rows, if needed. Further down you will see a total of all package information.

Under Shipment... at the bottom of the tab it is displayed when and by whom the shipment was created and when and by whom it was last changed.