Delivery Instruction

In the Delivery Instructions field, you can enter special delivery instructions and cash on delivery. Enter this information in the receiver's language and/or in English.

If the setting Load as delivery instructions on shipping documents under Shipping on the Sales tab in the Settings procedure has been configured to Delivery instructions, then the delivery instruction will be loaded from any of the Update Customer, Register Customer Order or Register Invoices Directly procedures depending on where it has been entered.

Dispatch Advice

If the goods are to be advised to the receiver you have to check the Telephone or Fax option. The phone and fax number is loaded from the source of info, but it can be changed. The phone and fax numbers are shown no matter if you have selected Dispatch advice or not.

The phone number is loaded from the customer order or invoice when a shipment is created based on customer order/delivery.

If you have selected the option Advising in the Register Customer Order procedure you can advice the delivery via SMS.