General Information about Price Adjustment
You will find a general description of how to manage lists in MONITOR in the chapter Managing Lists in the System under General in the MONITOR Basics guide.
Why Use This Procedure?
This procedure is used to adjust prices on different parts. This means that you can recalculate all the different price types that exist in the system. You will find the procedure under the Parts heading in the Purchase, Sales and Inventory modules. Read more about Managing Prices in the System in the MONITOR Basics in the chapter called MONITOR General Information.
One example of how to use this procedure is to calculate new purchase prices for parts from a particular supplier, or to recalculate or convert new sales prices, or to calculate the budgeted standard prices for the following years. By using the different selection options available, you can automate most of the price adjustments. You can select parts by Part number, Name, Part code, Product group, Supplier code or Customer code. Under Part types you can also select parts according to their Part types.
Under the Create tab, you select the parts for which you want to perform price adjustments.
If needed, you can print a list of the price adjusted parts. Read more under Printout samples.
The procedure supports multiple supplier links for the same supplier.
What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?
You can perform price adjustments, round-off prices, change price type and transfer prices from one price type to another. Please note that you cannot recalculate the manufacturing costs for manufactured parts in this procedure, just perform actual price adjustments. If you want to recalculate the manufacturing costs for manufactured parts, you should use the Pre-Calculation Selection procedure in the Manufacturing module. Under the Create tab you can perform the following standard adjustments:
- Price Adjustment - Percent. Enter a positive or negative percentage value by which the price should be adjusted.
- Price Adjustment - Amount. Enter a fixed amount by which the price should be adjusted.
- Decimals. Enter the number of decimals you want to round-off the price to. This can be used in combination with a price adjustment by percent or amount. If you enter no decimals (0), the system will round-off the price to the nearest whole currency unit. One (1) decimal rounds-off to 10 öre, 2 decimals rounds-off to 1 öre (for Swedish Crowns SEK). You can also enter negative decimals to round-off to the nearest 10 or higher. For example, -1 rounds-off to the nearest 10 SEK, -2 rounds-off to 100 SEK etc. You can enter up to 6 decimals.
- Change Price Type. You can adjust the price by changing to another price type. If you select one of the external prices, you can also enter a “valid through” date for a price.
- Copy Price. You can adjust the price by copying an amount from one price type to another price type. This mode also supports currency conversion if an external price is available.
The price adjustment is then performed automatically on all the selected parts, and is presented in the list as New price. Please note that this new price is only saved once you save the list. One alternative is to first load the list, and then perform the price adjustments in the list, row by row. This method can be used if you only want to adjust the price on a few individual parts. In this case, your price adjustments will only be applied once you save the list.
Window Functions
Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.