General Information about Pre-Calculation Selection
You will find a general description of Managing Lists in the System in the chapter MONITOR General Information in the MONITOR Basics.
Why Use This Procedure?
You can create calculation prices for a selection of parts selected under the Create tab.
In the Pre-Calculation procedure you can instead create calculation prices for individual parts. The calculation is there presented in detail, in the form of different list types.
You create calculation prices in the Pre-Calculation Selection procedure in order to update the current cost price for your line of products. The system must contain current prices for your own manufactured parts in order for the inventory value calculations, Work in Progress etc. to display the correct information. Calculated prices can be saved for different price types. This can be used to update sales prices, budget prices for the coming year, or similar situations.
In the Price Adjustment procedure in the Purchase, Sales and Inventory module, you can instead adjust prices, either by using a percentage value or a certain amount for a part selection. In these procedures, you can select which price type you want to update, and you can also transfer a price from one price type to another.
From the Display List in the Pre-Calculation Selection procedure you can use the Info Menu (when right-clicking) to move rows to the Pre-Calculation in order to have a summary of the calculation.
Please Note! When you make a selection of both S-parts and M-parts, you should check the Recalculate option under the S-parts heading. S-parts that are incorporated in other S-parts or M-parts will be included with their new values, if they appear in the list before their main parts. In other words, certain S-parts and M-parts can act as if they were recalculated. This can be avoided by deselecting the Stocked part type option when selecting Part types, or by checking the Recalculate option as mentioned. Another way of being sure that all parts have been properly calculated, without having to recalculate, is to run the calculation as many times as you have incorporated levels in the preparations. After the first run, the lowest level is always right, after two runs the next lowest level is right, and so on.
What Does This Procedure Do?
You can print a list including the new calculation prices for the parts. The list under the Display List tab shows EOQ, annual volume, standard price, old price and new price for each part as well as the difference between them for each part. If a part is missing some necessary information, this will appear under the Warnings tab. Under the Preview tab you view the list as it would look when printed out on a printer. Also see the Printout Samples.
What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?
If you select an alternative under Save to and then run the calculation, by using Calculate under the Window functions in the mode Display List, you can use Save to update the selected parts with the new pre-calculations. In the Save column you can choose if separate parts shall be updated or not. An extra control question will appear, where you must confirm if you want to update the calculation prices.
Another alternative is if you click on Print instead, in the window functions. The calculations are then created immediately, and the calculation prices are updated for all the selected parts after the printout. An extra control question will also appear here, where you must confirm if you want to update the calculation prices.
Can Any Charts Be Displayed?
There are no charts or graphs available in this procedure.
Window Functions
Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the chapter MONITOR's Program Window in the MONITOR Basics.