The General Tab
The General tab contains all the general information about a part. Each time you create a new part, this tab is opened. The fields are presented in different groups. The tab also exists in the Update Part - Sales and Update Part - Inventory procedures. In the Update Part - Inventory procedure, this tab also contains information about location, physical inventory and traceability on a part.
The Standard price heading contains information about current and future standard price, unit and alternate unit. If you select an alternate unit, you can also enter a conversion factor. Here you can also enter current and future alternate price. Under the Expenses button you can enter expenses for the part.
The Classification heading contains the classification terms Part code, Part category and Product group that can be linked to a part, and which all have different meanings. The term Product group is a mandatory link for a part.
Under the heading Miscellaneous, you can select whether or not a part shall be stock updated and purchase/manufacturing on project. You can also enter an Alias for BI and an Optional value for the part.
You can also enter an additional name for the part under the tab. Under the heading Drawing number/revision, you can enter a drawing number and a revision.
Under the heading Status/block you can also enter status for the part. You can block/notify a part from order registration and reporting. An GS1 code can also be entered.
If you have installed the supplement Product Configurator, you can select Configuration group, enter Alternate selection text and Optional alternate selection text.
Via the buttons under the tab, you can see and link hyperlinks to the part, translate name and additional name. You can display a log of old standard prices for the part. The third button makes it possible for you to enter an internal comment regarding the part.
At the very bottom of the tab, you can see information about by whom the part was created and when; as well as who the part was modified by and when. Modifications regarding statistics or supplier links are not included.