The term "revision" applies to drawing revisions, i.e. revised drawings. The field shows the current (active) revision for this part. It is not possible to enter anything in this field.
By clicking on the button to the right of the field, a window opens in which you can add a new revision, modify existing revisions and delete revisions.
If the supplement Document Viewing has been installed you will find the button to the right of the
button. This is used to link external documents (for example drawings) to the active revision. Read more about linking of external documents below.
The Add / Modify Revisions window.
In the window Add/modify revision, you can select the revision that you want to be the current revision in the column Current. The current (active) revision is the one that is shown in the Revision field of the part, and that is used by default during order registration.
In the Rev. column you enter the name of the revision.
In the Date column you enter the revision date.
In the column C there is a C button which will open the Comment window, allowing you to enter comments about the changes you have made and the terms that apply to the new revision for this part. If there is a comment, the symbol "#" will appear on the C button.
By using the buttons called Add or Delete, you can add or delete revision rows.
Link external documents to revision
Linking/viewing of external documents can also be done per revision. The button is also available to the right of C on each revision row. The link is then made to the revision row in question.
When you link a document you can select AutoPrint of the linked document. When you have linked documents with AutoPrint to a revision, all documents that have that revision of the part on an order row/inquiry row, will be included in printout of manufacturing order, purchase order and inquiry.
When the button looks like this it means that a linked document exists.
Useful Settings regarding Revision of Part
If you have configured the setting Change part status to 5 during new current revision on part, under Part status under the System tab in the Settings procedure, the part status will automatically be set to 5 (New revision) when a new revision is entered and set to active.
If you have configured the setting Show revision comment on P-order when the part status is 5, under Part status under the System tab in the Settings procedure, the comment for the current revision will be included in the purchase order when the part status is 5 (New revision).
If you have configured the setting Show revision comment on M-order when the part status is 5, under Part status under the System tab in the Settings procedure, the comment for the current revision will be included in the manufacturing order document when the part status is 5 (New revision).
Regarding the latter setting it is also recommended that you configure the setting Include part status in new M-orders, as well as that you select the alternatives "Only revision" or "Both revision and doc." for the setting Print revision in the Manufacturing Order Documents procedure.