General Information about Manufacturing Order Documents

Why Use This Procedure?

This procedure is used to define a manufacturing order document set per company. This set consists of different types of order documents that are used for manufacturing orders. For each document type you must select a code. This code is later used during printout to order all the document types you want.

The layout of the manufacturing order documents is created based on a form template that consists of a header, an operation portion, a material portion and a footer.

The window in the procedure contains all settings that are used to define the different manufacturing order documents that are registered. Upon delivery the system contains three different types of manufacturing order documents with predetermined codes, names and settings:

This set of order documents can easily be used directly in the system, or used as a template in order to adapt the order documents to your company’s needs. You can add or delete order documents, as well as change their appearance, name and contents of the information shown in the documents.

You can print these order documents in the procedures Register Manufacturing Order and Print Manufacturing Order in the Manufacturing module. We recommend that you print the manufacturing order documents on regular white A4 paper. In order to better endure handling during the manufacturing process, you can also print the documents using heavier paper 100-120 g/m2 in the A4 format. It may be a good idea to place these documents in a plastic case or pocket.

Generate Document

Before system startup, you must generate the manufacturing order documents using the settings that have been configured for each document type. The pre-defined manufacturing order documents are saved per company. By clicking the button called Generate document, you can create a form file for that company, containing information about all the settings for these documents. External documents for subcontract purchase order and subcontract delivery note are handled in a corresponding way as other forms in the Form Settings procedure.

The generation of forms only apply to the standard forms and not the Crystal Reports forms. In this case, you will not have to regenerate forms after making changes in the form settings.

Sometimes it may also be appropriate to change the settings for certain document types when you start running the system (after initial startup). For the Quantity, Printer and Text fields under Document types you can change settings without having to generate forms. For the Quantity/package field and all other settings further down in the tab, you are required to regenerate the documents if you make any changes. When you save the procedure a Closedcontrol question will appear telling you that the changes made require you to regenerate the forms. As mentioned before, generation of forms only has to be made when standard forms are used in the system.

The control question prior to the Generate Forms is executed.

You can change and generate documents while using the system. When generating order documents, you create a new temporary form file containing the new settings. MONITOR must then be restarted so that the temporary form file can be copied over the regular form file, and then the settings can take effect. You can see the copying status in MONITOR's Start Window.

During the start-up and after you have updated MONITOR (when new standard forms must be generated), you should always generate the forms in the Form Settings procedure first. After that you should generate the forms in the Manufacturing Order Documents procedure.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.