General Information about Form Settings
Why Use This Procedure?
In the Form Settings window you configure the settings and parameters for all the forms used in the system. The forms contained in the system are printouts that are sent as external documents, such as a quote or a customer invoice. These forms have been divided into form types.
Furthermore, each form in a form type group, contains a series of form settings by you determine what will be shown and printed on the form.
In order to configure the settings Print footer and Print headings, you must register the heading texts in the Languages procedure. (See the Language procedure for the languages that are available as standard) If all forms should be translated to other languages, that language should be registered in this procedure and you should translate the headings for the forms.
Inserting Your Company Logo on Forms
If Crystal Reports forms are used (see below), the image files for the logotype and background can have any name, format and size. The important thing is that the image can fit in the intended space on the form.
You can enter two logotypes per company on the forms. For example, you may want to place the company logo in the header of the form, as well as a logotype as a background image (watermark) behind the form rows. You configure this using the Print company name and Print background image settings.
The following applies if you use the standard forms. The image files must be in Windows bitmap format. The logotype image should be 1690x415 pixels and should be named logo_bl1.bmp. The background image should be 1280x828 pixels and should be named logo_bl2.bmp. We recommend not using a color palette with too many colors for the images, otherwise the image bitmap files will be unnecessarily large. We recommend the 16 color palette. You must save the image files in the corresponding company's INI folder, such as MONWIN\INI\001.
As a default, the system contains image templates with these file names in the MONWIN\INI folder. These files can be copied to the corresponding company directory. Also, the images will then have the right pixel size. Another alternative is to create your own images using a normal drawing program, such as the Paint program that comes with Windows, and then save them with the right file name. A third option is to use a scanner to scan an existing printed image, and then save the scanned image in the right format and size.
Generating Forms
The generation of forms and the usage of form sets only apply regarding the standard forms and not the Crystal Reports forms. Thus, if you are using Crystal Reports forms you will not have to regenerate forms after making changes in the form settings.
Before the system can be used, you must generate all the forms for the first time using the selected parameters for the corresponding type of form. In the Company Info procedure, you can choose a set of forms (number) for each company. A set of forms is saved in a file called mblankeX.pbd in the Monwin directory (where X is a number for each set of forms). If the same form set is selected for all the companies, then you only need to generate the forms one time, and this will apply to all companies. Otherwise you must generate forms for each company used in the system. In order to use the same form set, you must configure the same form settings for all the companies.
Once you have selected the form settings, you must generate the forms by clicking the Generate all forms button. This will create a form file for the form set in question, which will contain form setting information for all the forms. The language must be registered in the Language procedure before the generation. This is because the heading texts printed on the forms are translated in that procedure. If a text is changed in that procedure, this will require that you regenerate the forms. The generation of forms might take some time.
You can change and generate forms while using the system. When generating forms, you create a new form file containing the new form settings. The system must then be restarted so that the new form file can be copied over the regular form file, and then the settings can take effect.
Standard forms for Finland, Poland, Norway, China, Lithuania, Malaysia, Germany, and Denmark can be selected in the Company Info procedure.
Please note! During the start-up and after an update of MONITOR (when new forms must be generated), you should always generate the forms in this procedure first. After that you should generate the forms in the Manufacturing Order Documents procedure.
Standard Forms
The standard forms in the system consist of a form template or a layout. This layout has been divided into five sections, starting from the top: two areas for the form header (Header 1-2), one area for part rows (Rows), one area for Additional text and one area at the very bottom for Footer text (also see the outline below). This principle is used for all forms in the system, which makes it possible to use a common pre-printed paper for all the form types, such as Order Confirmations, Purchase Orders, Interest Invoices etc.
Layout, standard form.
In Header 1 you enter the following information: Type of form (Invoice, Order Confirmation etc.); Company name (alt. Logotype); Number (Invoice, Order etc.); Our reference; Your reference; Printout date; Code (Customer, Supplier) and Page number.
In Header 2 you enter the following address information and terms and conditions: Delivery address, Mailing address, Terms of Delivery, Terms of Payment, Delivery method and Goods labeling.
In Rows all the order rows will be printed with information for each respective document. For example, an order confirmation will show: Position; Part number, Name; Delivery Period; Quantity; Price each and Amount.
In the Additional Text space, all the additional text that has been linked to the form will be printed, such as "We thank you for your order" on an order confirmation. The additional text for forms is registered for each type of form and language in the procedure called Form Additional Text in the Global Settings module.
In the Footer you enter the following information: Mailing Address; Visiting or Street address; Telephone number; Telefax; E-mail address; Internet address; Company ID number; VAT number; Bank Giro number; PlusGiro number and Domicile. This information can be updated in the Company Info procedure.
An example of this standard form layout used in the system can be seen under Form Sample.
Crystal Reports Forms
For each form in the system you can instead choose to use a form from Crystal Reports. A set of standard Crystal Reports forms is included in the system for each form (one file for each form). The Crystal forms all have the file extension .RPT and are located in the folder called MONWIN\CRYSTAL\STANDARD. The standard Crystal forms have the same layout as the standard forms, as displayed above.
If you select the Use Crystal Reports form setting this will also affect other form settings for certain forms. It will for example affect the image file for the logotype and the image file for the background for which you will then be able to use any image files.
If you select to Use Crystal Reports form you can also use your own customized Crystal forms. To be able to create customized Crystal forms you must have a design tool from Crystal Reports. Furthermore, the person who will perform the form adaptation/customization must have taken part in the MONITOR course regarding Database Access and Crystal Reports Design. You should save your customized forms in a separate folder, for example MONWIN\CRYSTAL\CUSTOM. Always use a standard Crystal form as a basis and copy it to the intended folder. Thereafter you can make the desired changes in the form.
If there are several companies and each company will use their customized forms (the equivalent to set of forms when using standard form) you can instead create one catalogue per company for the company's customized forms, for example MONWIN\CRYSTAL\001.
You can use customer-specific Crystal forms. This allows you to have different designs for the forms depending to which customer the form will be sent. The customer-specific Crystal forms are selected under the Info tab in the Update Customer procedure in Sales. If customer-specific forms should be used, then the corresponding forms must here have been selected to Crystal forms. If there are customer-specific Crystal forms selected for a customer, those are the forms that will be printed primarily, that is, prior to customized Crystal forms and standard Crystal forms. To be able to create customer-specific Crystal forms you must have the design tool to Crystal Reports. It is also recommended that customer-specific forms are saves in a separate folder under MONWIN\CRYSTAL.
The form settings apply for both customer-specific Crystal forms and your own customized Crystal forms. However, this applies under the condition that a program code (which controls against a form setting) in a field in a form, is not changed or deleted when customizing the form. If a field is changed on the form, the result can be that the field no longer performs a control against a form setting. Then it is the customized field on the form that is in force, not the form setting. This is important to keep track of!
Window Functions
Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.