General Information about Bar Code Arrival Reporting

What Does This Procedure Do?

In this window you arrival report goods using bar codes to load the order information. The basic idea is that one row in the registration window matches a package or a pallet.

Under the heading Bar Code Arrival Reporting under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure, you will find a number of settings that affect the general functionality of this procedure.

The bar code can be designed in different ways, and the system supports both one-dimensional and two-dimensional codes (PDF417). By using the one-dimensional bar code the individual arrival information is loaded to the fields in a suitable order, while the two-dimensional bar code enables a faster reading/loading of information, one time per row.

When the parts on a purchase order have been delivered to you, you must arrival report them in the system. The purchase order must first have been registered in the Register Purchase Order procedure, and the goods must be marked with necessary information before you can perform bar code arrival reporting.

When arrival reporting, the stock balance for the part becomes updated unless the part requires receiving inspection. The parts that require receiving inspection are saved in a separate register, that can be viewed in the Receiving Inspection List procedure. In the Receiving Inspection Reporting procedure, the receiving inspection result is reported as either approved or not approved parts. The stock balance for the approved parts is updated, while parts that are not approved are registered in a rejection log. The Reject log is used in the Supplier Rating procedure.

You can create excess deliveries as long as the order row has got a rest quantity. You cannot make further reporting for rows that already have got rest quantity 0 when loading/reading the bar code.

Once the order rows have been arrival reported, they are saved in a separate register while awaiting the corresponding supplier invoice. When registering a supplier invoice you can link the order rows to the invoice and a reconciliation of the information from the arrival reporting and the invoice will take place.

Comment: Service rows and additional text rows on an order must be linked to a part which is being arrival reported in order to be included during the arrival reporting. Please note! If there is such a row on an order, and it is not linked to a part row, then this row will remain and thereby hinder the order from being fully arrival reported in this procedure.

Manual Arrival Reporting

You can also use this procedure to perform manual arrival reporting in the same way as in the Arrival Reporting procedure. There are however some limitations.

Reasonability Check

A check that excess reported quantity does not exceed the planned quantity on the order can be made on all rows in the image that have not yet been saved. The limits for excess reporting is entered in the Settings procedure under the Purchase tab.

Multiple Stock Locations

A part can have several stock locations. If you use multiple locations, the order rows that contain parts with multiple stock locations will have a separate window that can be opened. If so, you can perform arrival reporting per stock location.

The multiple stock location window can be found in the Location field. During arrival reporting, you can also add or change the location names in that window.

If you during the manual arrival reporting enter 0 (zero) in the Quantity field and report quantity in the location window instead, then the Quantity field will show the total number to arrival report. If you have performed arrival reporting to several locations, the Location field will display the text Several....

If you open the multiple location window after the manual reporting or after the bar code reporting in the Quantity field, you will see which location that was suggested for the arrival reporting. Normally, you do not need to make any changes in that window.

Multiple stock locations are activated with the setting Use multiple locations? under the Locations heading under the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure. Read more about multiple stock locations in that Help chapter.

Comment: If you previously have used multiple locations and then deactivated this setting in the Settings procedure, you can still open this window on order rows with parts that still have multiple locations.

About Printing Transport Labels and Labels

This procedure allows you to print different transport labels (also known as "pallet labels") that can be placed on the recently arrived goods, before it is placed in your warehouse. There is a setting that can be activated if you want the printout to take place automatically when saving. After saving a row, the row must be marked in order to print transport labels. It is possible to modify qty/pkge, number of labels and label type on a saved row before printing.

There are 3 different transport label formats to print here:

The Transport Label and the Label has the same layout and contains the same information, whereas the Small Label has a different layout. The form used in this procedure is the same form that is used in the Print Transport Labels procedure. You can to some extent modify the layout of the form by using the settings in the Form Settings procedure in the Global Settings. There you can also select the default transport label format for printing.

You print transport labels for arrived goods, or for goods that are awaiting receiving inspection. If the reported row is highlighted in yellow this indicates receiving inspection and the Location field is then greyed out. In this case, the Location field on the transport label displays the text "Control". This text is loaded from the Languages procedure in the Global Settings. Transport labels are printed according to the performed reporting for parts that shall not be inspected.

You can define a default printer (and label format) per user for this procedure in the Users procedure in the Global Settings. When printing Transport label the printer called Special 1 is used, when printing Label the printer called Special 2 is used and for printing Small label the printer called Special 3 is used. The printer for Special 3 has to be a Direct thermal or a Thermal transfer label printer.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.