
Here you can enter or select an e-mail address to which the order should be sent. You can register several e-mail addresses per supplier. The e-mail address is loaded from the reference selected in the field Your reference. By default this is the first reference row on the supplier. If no such e-mail address is found, the e-mail address will be loaded from the first e-mail address row registered on supplier that has no defined recipient of reminders or delivery schedules.

The e-mail address is used with e-mail integration when printing directly to an e-mail program or a built-in e-mail client that automatically sends e-mails directly from MONITOR to an e-mail server. The message will be sent according to the setting E-mail Sending Method, under Fax/E-mail under the System tab in the Settings procedure.

If you select Send via e-mail in the Window function, the e-mail address entered here will automatically be sent to the e-mail program, which in turn sends the e-mail to that e-mail address recipient. The order is attached as PDF and XML files to the e-mail message. The XML format is used in for example MONITOR-to-MONITOR.