The Create Tab
When you open the procedure, the Create tab first appears. In the upper portion of the window, you select the parts you want to use.
In the lower portion you select the calculation basis to load annual volume from. You can choose to write processing info to log file. Here you select if you want to estimate annual volume or calculate loading, or if you want to calculate both at the same time. Here you also choose which part types you want to include in the estimation and a sales price. You can select if Standard configuration on configured parts should be included.
If you have activated the setting Show annual budget/volume and EOQ with current daily pace?, under Requirements Planning under the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure, you have the opportunity to save the new annual volume based on the current pace.
If you have selected alternative 0 or 1 for the setting Use alternate preparations, under Preparations under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure, the Create tab will be extended with fields at the bottom where you can enter terms for the structure explosion. Read more about how terms and conditions affect this procedure under Alternate Preparations and Estimate Annual Volume.