
In this section, you will find settings that apply to preparations.

Time unit for setup time and unit time for operations

This is where you enter the type of time unit that you want to use when making preparations. There are seven alternatives:

Select any of the alternatives with quantity per time unit if you want to display qty/hrs, qty/min or qty/cmin instead of the unit time during Preparation. The alternatives only affect the Preparation procedure, which will display a quantity column instead of a unit time column for the operation rows. However, the Consists of (Structure List) and BOM / Operation List procedures will display the setup and unit times in the selected time unit, and not in the quantity/time unit form.

In the Manufacturing Order Documents procedure, you must also select a time unit under the operation portion for unit time, which will be displayed on those forms.

Use queue time exceptions on operations?

If you configure this setting, the Preparation procedure will contain the column Queue time (Q-time) for the operation rows. The queue time that is entered here will override the queue time entered in the work center for that operation row. This setting is selected by default.

You can update the queue time exceptions in the list type called Change work center in the Work Center Analysis procedure.

Use capacity factor exceptions on operations?

If you configure this setting, the Preparation procedure will contain the column Capacity factor (Cap. factor) for the operation rows. The capacity factor entered on the operation row will then be multiplied by the number of shifts x basic time that was registered for the work center for that operation row.

You can update the capacity factor exceptions in the list type called Change work center in the Work Center Analysis procedure.

Use staffing factor exceptions on operations?

If you activate this setting, the Preparation procedure will contain the columns Staffing factor and Staffing factor WC for the operation rows. In the first column (Staffing factor) you can then enter an exception for staffing factor on an operation, for the staffing factor that has been entered on the work center in the Update Work Center procedure. The other column (Staffing factor WC) displays the staffing factor entered for the work center.

When this setting is activated it is easy to handle variations in the staffing for different operations. For example, two work items might require 0,5 staffing (one operator serves two machines parallelly), although the regular work items have 1,0 staffing according to the work center.

Via the list Change work center in the Work Center Analysis procedure, it is also possible to view and update staffing factor exceptions on operations in preparations for several work centers, if this setting has been activated.

Staffing factor exceptions for operations are taken into consideration in the Loading / Work Center procedure, if you choose to display man-hours instead of the operating time which is normally displayed. It will then recalculate into man-hours in the List tab. Then you can see the man-hour requirement for a work center. In the Loading Selection procedure you can see the equivalent value for several work centers. However, the capacity is defined against the normal operating time and is not comparable with man-hours.

A staffing factor >= 1 is multiplied with the total time. A staffing factor < 1 is multiplied only with the unit time.

In the Orders / Work Center procedure it is also possible to recalculate time into man-hours. In the Order Info procedure you can see the staffing factor exceptions for operation, if any. In the Adding / Replanning procedure you can also enter staffing factor exceptions for operations for a specific order.

Use time codes for operations?

As a default setting, time codes are not applied. If you select this alternative, the Preparation procedure in the Manufacturing module will display a TC column on the operation rows. This will allow you to select a time code that describes how the setup and unit times have been calculated. Time codes will also be displayed in the Work Center Analysis procedure, and can be updated in the list type called Change Work Center. You register your time codes in the Time Codes procedure in the Global Settings module. Read more about how the time codes are applied during preparation.

Use operation overflow?

If you configure this setting, the operation lists in the Preparation procedure will contain the columns Setup quantity and Extra (%). This allows you to enter a fixed overflow, or an overflow in percentage form during Preparation.

You can update the Setup quantity and Extra (%) settings in the list type called Change work center in the Work Center Analysis procedure. These are only displayed in the Adding / Replanning and Consists of (Structure List) procedures.

Use fixed lead time for operations?

With this setting you can activate a fixed lead time for an operation. The Fixed lead time column (F L-Time) will then be displayed for the operation row in the Preparation and Adding / Replanning procedures. In this column you can enter a fixed lead time in whole work days. Dynamic lead time calculation is performed if this column is left empty.

Use ineffective time in the preparation

Activate this setting to get better follow-ups of machine utilization. You can then separate the Cycle time and Ineffective time in the preparation. The setting activates the fields Cycle time and Ineffective time %, as well as deactivates the field Unit time on operation rows in the Preparation procedure. This makes it possible to create preparations via cycle time and ineffective time instead of using unit time.

The field Default ineffective time will also be activated, under the Miscellaneous tab in the Update Work Center procedure. This field is used to enter an ineffective time per work center. Default ineffective time can also be updated in the Loading info list in the Work Center List procedure.

Use measuring points in preparation and order

This setting activates the M button on operation rows in the preparation. Here you can enter measuring data for the operation. The measuring data can then be reported in for example the Recording Terminal and Operation Reporting procedures. The setting also activates Show measuring points in the Form Settings procedure.

Use supplier's part number on subcontracts

This setting enables you to enter the supplier's part number on a subcontract in the preparation. The supplier's part number will then be displayed on the subcontract purchase order and subcontract delivery note.

Use positions in BOM lists?

The default setting is to not use BOM list positions during the Preparation. If you select this alternative, you can manage position numbers in the BOM list during Preparation. The Pos column for position numbers will then be displayed at the far left of the BOM list, and there you can enter the position numbers.

Other procedures in the Manufacturing module where BOM list occurs and where position is also displayed when this setting has been activated are: Consists of (Structure List), BOM / Operation List, Print Manufacturing Order, Order Info and Adding / Replanning.

In Adding / Replanning you can also update position numbers. Read more about position numbers in the Preparation help.

Use material overflow?

If you activate this setting, the BOM lists in the Preparation procedure will contain the columns Setup quantity and Extra (%). This allows you to separately report the amount of overflow or wastage material as a quantity or in percentage form in the preparation.

Setup quantity and Extra (%) can then also be updated in BOM lists in the Replace Part, Adding / Replanning and Update Configuration Group procedures. This is shown in the BOM / Operation List and Consists of (Structure List) procedures.

If you use overflow in the system, you can also configure an extra percentage value to be used by default in the Extra (%) column in the field Default extra percent for material overflow. This only applies if the material's unit is KG (this unit has to be entered as KG, not kg).

Default extra percent for material overflow

Here you can configure a default extra percentage value for the Extra (%) column in the BOM list in the Preparation procedure. The Extra (%) column will appear if you have checked the Use material overflow option.

Use time formula (only config.)

Here you can select if time formulas should be applied for setup time and unit time. This setting belongs with variables in the supplement called Product Configurator. The setting makes it possible to enter formulas for calculating setup time and unit time on operation rows for parts that are included in a configuration group. The available alternatives are:

Use quantity formula (only config.)

Here you can select if quantity formulas should be applied setup quantity and quantity. This setting belongs to variables in the supplement called Product Configurator. The setting makes it possible to enter formulas for calculating setup quantity and quantity on material rows for parts that are included in a configuration group. The available alternatives are:

Use instruction formula (only config.)

Here you can select if instruction formulas should be used for instructions. This setting belongs to variables in the supplement called Product Configurator. The setting makes it possible to enter formulas that are combined with instructions on operations rows and material rows for parts that are included in a configuration group. The instructions can then be included on manufacturing orders and on purchase order suggestion/purchase order*. The available alternatives are:

* In order for instructions to be included on purchase order suggestions and purchase orders you have to activate the setting called Insert text rows on P-order from instruction on material under Product Configurator under the System tab in the Settings procedure.

Use alternate preparations?

This is where you choose whether to always use "alternate preparation", if you want this to be applicable or not applicable. There are three alternatives that affect a number of different procedures, whether certain fields for terms and conditions should be shown from the beginning or not in these procedures, or if these fields should not be allowed to be shown at all. The available options are:

Please remember that when using alternate preparations for the same part number, this will mean that certain functional features will not be fully enabled. For example, you will not immediately see on an inventory balance which alternates are currently in stock; an inventory value may also be more difficult to calculate; if you want to run a Netting perhaps only certain criteria will be considered, and so on. Read more about alternate preparations in the help regarding Preparation.

Default opportunity to filter terms?

If you have checked this setting a filter for the alternate preparations will be displayed by default in the Preparation procedure. If not, you can still display this filter by using a check box in the procedure.

Log preparation changes

Here you can select whether the preparation changes made in the Preparation procedure should be logged or not, and if it should be possible to comment. You can see detailed information about the changes in a separate list, or if you right-click in the preparation window. The available alternatives are:

Allow editing of preparation log

If this setting is activated you can make comments read-only (so that they are write protected) in the log in the Preparation procedure. The setting is activated by default.

Default geometric formula for weight calculation

Here you have the option to enter the geometric formula that you want to use by default for weight calculations on the material rows in the Preparation procedure. In connection with the Preparation procedure, MONITOR contains a weight calculation feature used to calculate the material weight for each incorporated material in a particular part. In order to help you choose, there is a drop-down list containing different geometrical formulas. The formula that you select in the Settings procedure will be used by default by the weight calculation feature. Read more about weight calculation in the Preparation help.

Default density for weight calculation (kg/dm3)

Here you can enter the density you want as the default value for weight calculations on the material rows in the Preparation procedure. In connection with the Preparation procedure, MONITOR contains a weight calculation feature used to calculate the material weight for each incorporated material in a particular part. In order to help you choose, there is a drop-down list containing the densities of the most commonly used materials. The density that you select in the Settings procedure will be used by default by the weight calculation feature. Read more about weight calculation in the Preparation help.

Only show current (active) operation in time calculation?

Here you can select to only show by default the active (selected) operation in the preparation in the Time Calculation procedure, when it is opened from the operation rows in the Preparation procedure. You can then switch between showing all operations or only the active operation in the Time Calculation window. If this parameter has not been checked, all the operations will always be shown in the Time Calculation window in Preparation.

Default currency for subcontracts

Here you can select a default currency for subcontracts. The available alternatives are: