General Information about Order Info

Why Use This Procedure?

The Order Info procedure contains all the manufacturing order information taken from the registration and already performed reporting. The procedure also shows you where a particular part, included in the manufacturing order, currently is located in the actual production.

This is an easy way of viewing all available information of a manufacturing order. Order Info is a central procedure in the system, since it can display all the existing manufacturing order information from anywhere in the system.

Manufacturing Order Info

You can open the Order Info procedure anywhere in the system by right-clicking to open the Info menu and using the Manufacturing Order Info option, or by using F11.. The Order Info is then linked to the manufacturing order that is loaded in the open procedure.

The Order Info window is divided into a Create portion and an Info portion at the top. You select a manufacturing order under Show. The information portion shows planning information and comments for the order you have loaded and the part you have selected. The lower portion of the window contains the structure portion, which has been divided into a graphic structure map that shows incorporated parts for the order, and operation rows and material rows that show incorporated operations and material used for a part in the order. You can find additional information for the operations and material by looking at the operation and material rows, such as comments, report numbers and loading plans.

Order Info and Max. Quantity on Parts

If you use Max. quantity of parts, all manufacturing orders "linked" to that position number will be shown when selecting Order Info on a customer order row. Please note that the Order Info follows the order row if the setting in question is activated. In order to load all sub-orders in the "structure" after changing row, you must use F11 once again.

Configuration in Order

If you have installed the supplement Product Configurator and you load a configured manufacturing order, you will see the button in the Create portion. This button opens a window where you can preview the current configuration.

Adjusting the Layout

All columns in the Order Info can be moved and adjusted width-wise, and you can then save that mode by right-clicking and opening the Info menu and selecting Layout -> Save layout . Each layout is saved per user. This allows each and every user who runs the procedure to create a layout that is convenient for his or her particular work flow. The proportions between the window sections can also be changed and this change can be saved per user.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.