Weight Calculation

During a preparation, in the Quantity column on the material rows, you can perform weight calculation of incorporated material with unit kg. By pressing the F3 key in the Quantity field, or by right-clicking in the material row and selecting Weight Calculation in the Info menu, the Weight calculation window will open.


The Weight Data window.

The Weight data window consists of a number of fields in which you select a weight number, geometric shape and density, which will be used as the basis for the weight calculation. The weight number is an optional number used to store the calculation in a register. The dimensions in millimeters are then entered in a weight calculation table. The calculation is performed automatically once the necessary dimensions have been entered. The results are presented in a special column called Weight.

You can enter several weight calculation rows and you can enter a position number for each row. At the bottom of the table you will see a total sum of the calculated weight for all rows. You usually add several weight calculation rows during summarized preparations when each part entered on the material rows actually can contain several material records.