The Info Menu under the Order Window Tab
This Info menu contains more alternatives than the Info menu under the other tabs. For the row selected under the columns Order no. or Suppl / Cust / Main part, you can open the Info menu by right-clicking. The available alternatives are described below.
Replan Order...
Here you can replan an order, a material requirement or a suggestion. For purchase orders, customer orders and manufacturing orders, the respective order registration window will open. For material requirements, the Adding / Replanning window will open instead.
Here you can see an extended description of the order, material requirement or suggestion selected in the Order Window. For purchase and customer orders you can see the ordered quantity and delivered quantity. The alternate preparation code is displayed on customer and manufacturing orders. At the bottom of the window, you can also see who created the description and when, as well as any modifications. For purchase orders you will see the dispatch advice information such as when the dispatch advice took place, the carrier and shipment number for the shipment as well as a link that can be used to perform goods searches on the Internet.
The Description... window.
This option is available only if the current order number is a substitute order number for a nonconformity item. This order number appears in red italic font in the Order window. You can then see information here about the nonconformity.
Show > Suggestions
If you select this alternative, order suggestions will also be shown. The procedure remembers the setting that is selected here - to show or not to show suggestion - the next time the same user opens the procedure.
Show > Forecasts
If you select this alternative, forecasts will also be shown. The procedure remembers the setting that is selected here - to show or not to show forecasts - the next time the same user opens the procedure. If you have installed the supplement called Service Management you will see service plans with this alternative.
Show > CDT
Select this option to show simulations created in the Check Delivery Times (CDT) procedure. The procedure remembers the setting that is selected here - to show or not to show CDT - the next time the same user opens the procedure.
Show > Blanket Order
If you select this alternative, blanket orders will also be shown. The procedure remembers the setting that is selected here - to show or not to show blanket orders - the next time the same user opens the procedure.
Show > Customer Order Status 0
If you select this alternative you will also see customer orders with status 0 (Preliminary) in the Order window.
Show Quote Backlog
If you select this alternative, then the program will also show quotes that have been included in requirement calculations.
Requirement Calculation
Here you can perform a requirement calculation for the loaded part. The level of the requirement calculation is Detailed and under Show the Order suggestion is selected by default.
Release Order Suggestion
This is activated for manufacturing and purchase order suggestions. You can release manufacturing and purchase order suggestions.
Print M-order
This option is available for manufacturing orders. Here you can print the manufacturing order.
The YYWW - YYWWD - Date Alternatives
You can use these alternatives to decide how to divide your date periods in the Order window. YYWW shows all part transactions per week (year year week week). YYWWD shows all part transactions per day (year year week week day). Date shows all part transactions per date.
Links to Reporting Procedures
There are links to the different reporting procedures. Depending on which row type the linking is made from you can link to different reporting procedures.
- Purchase order - link to the Arrival Reporting
- Customer order - link to the Delivery Reporting
- Manufacturing order - link to the Comprehensive Reporting
- Material requirement - link to the Material Reporting
- Stock order (Out) - link to the Delivery Reporting - Stock Orders
- Stock order (in) - link to the Arrival Reporting - Stock Orders
Distributed Purchase
If you have activated the setting Distribute purchase between several suppliers, under Orders / Inquiries under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure, the quantity of generated purchase orders will be distributed between suppliers that have a distribution in percent entered for the part. This means that several separate purchase orders might be created for the same requirement during shortage. By selecting this alternative in the Info menu, the distributed purchase and the suppliers that are included in the distributed purchase are shown.
The Distributed purchase window.
Notify in Arrival Reporting
Here you can create a message that will be displayed during the arrival reporting of the part in the Arrival Reporting procedure. This works on purchase order rows if the setting Message on P-order row to goods receiver in arrival reporting/receiving inspec. has been activated.