Orders / Inquiries

In this section, you will find settings that apply to purchase orders and inquiries.

Show additional part name on orders/inquiries?

If you select this option, a part's additional part name will be shown on the purchase orders and inquiries, on a special row below the part row. The default setting is to show the additional part name.

Show part's purchase comment on orders/inquiries?

If you check this option, the purchase comments on orders that were entered under the Comment button for the part under the Purchase tab in the Update Part - Purchase procedure, as well as for services under the General tab in the Update Services, will be displayed on an order. The comment will be printed on a special additional text row under the part/service row. If the system includes the Tool Management supplement, the comment entered under the Comment button under the General tab in the Update Tool procedure will be printed on purchase order. The default setting is to show these comments.

Show part's drawing number on orders/inquiries?

If you check this setting, the drawing numbers that have been entered for this part in the Preparation procedure will be shown on the purchase orders. The drawing number will be printed on a special row below the part row. The default setting is to show the drawing number.

Show supplier's part number on inquiries?

If this setting is checked, the supplier's part number will be shown as text row under the inquiry row, if that part number has been entered on the part. The setting is activated by default.

Use prefix to manage order types?

Here you can select whether to use prefix when managing different purchase order types, and in that case if it should be optional or mandatory to use prefix for purchase order numbers. The option to use prefix on purchase orders also applies when creating subcontract purchase orders in the Comprehensive Document (Subcontract) and Print Manufacturing Order. It is also possible to enter a default prefix with the setting below.

If any of the alternatives to use prefixes has been selected here, you can register different prefixes for purchase orders in the Order Types / Prefix procedure in the Global Settings module.

Use prefix to manage inquiry types?

Here you can select if prefix should be used when managing different inquiry types, and in that case if it should be optional or mandatory to use prefix for purchase order numbers. It is also possible to enter a default prefix with the setting below.

If any of the alternatives to use prefixes have been selected here, you can register different prefixes for inquires in the Order Types / Prefix procedure in the Global Settings module.

Enter order number during save in Register Purchase Order

If you activate this setting it is possible enter an order number manually when you save a new order for the first time in the Register Purchase Order procedure. Otherwise the order number will be the next available number from the number series in question in the Number Series procedure.

Enter inquiry number during save in Register Inquiry

If you activate this setting it is possible enter an inquiry number manually when you save a new inquiry for the first time in the Register Inquiry procedure. Otherwise the inquiry number will be the next available number from the number series in question in the Number Series procedure.

Show part's setup price on orders/inquiries?

You can configure the system to have the setup price of a part automatically generate its own order row on purchase orders. The condition is that the setup price must have been entered under the Purchase tab of the part; that a service code or part number has been entered here in the setting Service code/part number for the part's setup price, and that this service code has been registered in the system. The equivalent system setting for generating a setup price row also exists for customer orders. The setup price for a part can also be entered for under the Sales tab.

The different alternatives available for a part's setup prices on purchase orders are:

Service code/part number for the part's setup price

This is where you enter a default service code for a part's setup price. This is used together with the alternatives under the above setting Show part's setup price on orders/inquiries. The default code must be a service code or a part number, depending on which alternative you have selected in the setting mentioned above.

The service code or the part number entered here must have been configured in the Update Services procedure and the Update Part - Inventory procedure. Otherwise the extra order row will not be created.

Set setup price coding to same as the part's coding?

Here you can choose if the coding of a part's setup price should be the same as the part's coding on an order. If you check this setting, the coding will be the same as the part row above. If you do not check it, the coding will be based on the product group for service codes or the part number for the part's setup price, respectively. This setting is activated by default.

The setting also determines the coding for setup price on subcontracts provided that the setting above Show part's setup price on orders/inquiries? has not been configured to "No setup price row" since a row of type 2 (additional order row) will then be created for the setup price with no coding.

Decimals under "Each" on orders/inquiries

2 decimals are displayed by default but it is possible to display up to 5. The price each on an order row or an inquiry row will be rounded off to the number of decimals entered here.

Automatically update requested delivery period on orders/inquiries?

If you check this setting, the Requested period field in the section Extra row info... in the Register Purchase Order procedure will automatically be filled in with the same date as the Delivery period on the order row. This only applies during registration of order rows before it has been saved, not during replanning. The setting also provides you with the opportunity to measure the delivery reliability against the requested period. This setting is activated by default.

Question when changing Current period (applies to frozen Initial/Requested period)

The available alternatives are:

Printed = "freezing" point for Requested period.

Confirmed = "freezing" point for Initial period.

Please note that the question you will receive is the one you get when changing current period on order rows and not the question you get when the delivery period is changed in the order header. The question that appears when you change delivery period in the order header is not determined by the selection mentioned above.

Default value in the quantity field on order rows

Here you can select a default value for the quantity field on a new order row in the Register Purchase Order procedure. You can choose to have 0, 1 or EOQ as the default value. This also applies to row type 9 if an EOQ is entered for the tool.

Default delivery date on order rows

With this setting you can determine how the default arrival period should be configured when you manually register orders in the Register Purchase Order procedure. The available alternatives are:

Check against part lead time during order registration?

This setting determines whether a check should be made against lead time in working days entered for P-parts using the lot sizing rule L (Lot-for-lot).

If there are supplier links on a P-part, then that is the lead time that is configured as the active supplier link that is checked against the delivery period on order rows during registration of purchase orders.

If there is no lead time, or if the lead time is zero days for the part and the supplier links, this check will be deactivated.

If the delivery period for a purchase order row is set to less than the entered lead time for the part/supplier link, then a little message window will appear, informing you that the delivery period is shorter than the part's lead time. The lead time in days will also be shown in the window.

This setting also determines that the part’s stock or inventory balance is loaded as a total from all the locations, and displayed during order placement if you click on the Rows button, and go to the special information field called Balance under the heading Extra row info at the very bottom of the Order row window. This takes place when a part is loaded to an order row.

Check supplier link during order registration?

If you activated this setting a control will be made when you leave the part number field in the Register Purchase Order procedure. You will then get a warning if the selected supplier is not the current supplier or if the supplier is not registered for the part in question. You can add the supplier automatically in the part's supplier link. This setting is activated by default.

Distribute purchase between several suppliers?

If you activated this setting you can distribute a purchase between several suppliers. You can for example distribute a purchase so that supplier A delivers 70% and supplier B delivers 30 % of the desired quantity.

Coding only in Extra row info?

Here you can choose whether coding for purchase order rows should only take place in the Extra row info at the very bottom of the order registration window, or whether coding should take place on the order row. If you activate this setting the coding will take place in the Extra row info; otherwise coding is done in a separate column to the far right of the order row. This setting is deactivated by default. This setting also applies to the Register Agreement - Purchase procedure.

Manufacturing order number only in Extra row info?

If you regularly use the manufacturing order number to mark purchase order rows, you should deactivate this option. Then a column called M-order no. will be displayed last on the order rows (for row types 1-3), in which you can mark the purchase order rows using the manufacturing order number.

If you have activated this setting, you can only mark purchase order rows using the manufacturing order number if you click on the Rows button, and go to the M-order no. field under the heading Extra row info.

If you enter a manufacturing order number in the order header, this will override the manufacturing order number entered on the order rows.

Mandatory coding on order rows?

During purchase order registration, you can enter a purchase account for each order row. This account can be used to assist with supplier invoice coding. Select this alternative if you want the coding to be mandatory on the order row. The default setting is not to have mandatory coding. This setting also applies to the Register Agreement - Purchase procedure.

Part row coding according to row above on orders?

Here you can choose if the coding of Cost centers, Cost units and Project for order rows (row type 1, 3, 6 and 9) on purchase orders should be the same as on the previous row. This setting can be used to assist with order row coding. However, the coding setting on product groups overrides this setting. This setting is checked by default.

Default coding in additional order rows on orders/invoices

Here you can choose how to code the Cost center, Cost unit and Project of additional order rows (row type 2) on purchase orders. This setting can be used to assist with order row coding. However, the coding setting on product groups overrides this setting. The default setting is not to have additional order row coding. You can also select coding according to standard account or that the coding should be made according the order row above.

Default supplier group at reversed liability for payment

Here you can select a default supplier group for reversed liability for payment. This can for example apply to purchase of construction services. This setting helps coding purchases with reversed liability for payment both correctly and automatically, see description below.

A special supplier group intended for reversed liability for payment should first be registered in the Account group tab in the Product Groups procedure. For this supplier group you then select special purchase accounts that are linked to VAT row 24 in the VAT report. It is also possible to enter directly on the supplier that this group shall always be used for the supplier in question. Please note that all orders to a supplier might not regard goods/products/services with reversed liability for payment.

If Rev. liability for pay. is checked for an order (or if it has been set for the supplier) then the supplier group that has been selected with this setting will be selected for this order. If no supplier group is selected here (value 0) then the supplier group selected for the supplier will be taken instead.

When using this setting the purchaser thus only has to select Rev. liability for pay. for an order. VAT code and supplier group will then be configured automatically.

It is possible to enter zero (0) for this setting. This means that no default supplier group has been determined.

Ask about creating new projects in purchase order rows?

If this setting is activated you will receive a question when a purchase order row is coded with a new project number; asking if you want to create a new project.

Message with comment from price list on orders/inquiries?

If you select this option, the system will display a warning message when a comment has been entered in the Comment field in a supplier link for a part. This comment will then be shown when the part is loaded onto an order row in a purchase order that is being registered for that supplier. This setting is activated by default.

Link additional text automatically to inquiry/order row

If this setting is checked it is possible to select if text rows on inquiries and purchase orders should be linked automatically. This setting is activated by default.

Use default terms for inquiries?

If you activate this option, the terms of payment, terms of delivery, delivery method and terms of packaging be loaded from the current supplier. However, you can always change them for each individual inquiry.

If the setting is not selected, the term fields will be left empty. This is very useful if the terms of delivery are included in the supplier's quote. This setting is activated by default.

Type of form used to direct-print orders

This setting determines which form/forms that will be printed using the print button in the Register Purchase Order procedure.

Type of form used to direct-print inquiries

This setting determines which form that is printed using the print button in the Register Inquiry procedure.

Allow reprint of historical orders?

If you select this option, a setting called Reprint Historical Orders in the Print Purchase Order procedure will appear, allowing you to print purchase orders with status 9 = Historical. This alternative is normally activated.

Update order price to current exchange rate for arrivals?

If you check this option, the domestic price of a purchase order from a supplier with another currency will be updated with the current exchange rate at the time of arrival reporting. This setting only applies if purchases are made from suppliers operating in another currency. This setting is activated by default.

Possibility to activate receiving inspection on order row during arrival reporting

If this setting has been activated it is possible to select to send an arrived order row to the receiving inspection, from the Arrival Reporting procedure.

This setting does not affect the Bar Code Arrival Reporting procedure.

Use measuring points in receiving inspection

This setting activates the Measuring points button under the Purchase tab in the Update Part procedure where you can enter measuring data for the part. The measuring data can then be reported in for example the Receiving Inspection Reporting procedure. The setting also activates Show measuring points in the Form Settings procedure.

Enter delivery note number for arrivals?

Here you can choose when and if the delivery note numbers should be entered during Arrival. If you have selected to enter the delivery note number, a field will appear in the dialog box Arrival report all rows where you can enter the delivery note number. The following alternatives are available:

Add to invoice basis after arrival reporting?

Here you can select whether or not an arrival by default should be added to an existing invoice basis. You can also select if you want to display a question regarding this.

Print transport label after arrival reporting?

Here you can select whether or not to make a printout of the transport label after you have saved the arrival. You can choose if it should be a direct printout or via the print tab.

Purchase limit?

This setting is used to activate limits (maximum amounts) for purchasing, and the need to authorize or approve purchase orders. A check is made to make sure that purchasers (buyers) do not exceed their purchase limit when registering purchase orders. This setting is activated by default which means that the system will manage purchase limit amounts in the following way:

Show extra form tabs in Register Purchase Order?

Here you can select to display extra form tabs in the Register Purchase Order procedure. It is possible to display a tab for delivery note, or a tab for order confirmation or both.

Update to status 2 when printing delivery schedule?

By using this setting you can determine that status 2 (Printed) should always be configured for the delivery schedule after printout. This setting is activated by default.

Reasonability check of excess reporting in Arrival Reporting?

Here it possible to decide if a reasonability check should be made in the Arrival Reporting procedure when reporting a too large part quantity. The following alternatives are available:

You should also use the setting below to enter how large a percentage should be allowed for excess reporting before a warning appears.

Allowed excess reporting in % of planned quantity

Here you enter the percentage for excess reporting of planned quantity in the Arrival Reporting that is allowed before a warning should be issued from the reasonability check in the setting above.

Reasonability check when deleting rest in Arrival Reporting?

With this setting you can decide if a reasonability check should be made when deleting rest in the Arrival Reporting. The following alternatives are available:

You should also use the setting below to enter how large a percentage should be allowed to be deleted before a warning appears.

Max rest deletion allowed (in % of planned quantity)

Here you enter the percentage for deletion of rest of planned quantity in the Arrival Reporting that is allowed before a warning should be issued from the reasonability check in the setting above.

Send several orders in the same e-mail message

If purchase orders are sent via e-mail you can with this setting decide that more than one of these should be attached in the same e-mail message, if there are several orders to the same recipient (e-mail address) and supplier. A PDF file (and also an XML file, if this has been activated for the supplier in question) is created for each order in the e-mail message. The subject row in the e-mail message contains information regarding each order that has been attached. This setting applies for the Print Purchase Order and Print Modified Purchase Orders procedures.

Notify during arrival when order row has causing requirement/M-order.

Here you can choose if a message should be displayed when an order row has a causing requirement/manufacturing order number. The following alternatives are available:

The setting Linked requirement/supply planning for P-part (Lot-for-lot) under the heading Requirements Planning under the Inventory tab has to be activated in order for this to function.

Message on P-order row to goods receiver in arrival reporting/receiving inspection

If you activate this setting it is possible to write a message on a purchase order row. The receiver will then see this message in the Arrival Reporting procedure. The message can be entered in the procedures Register Purchase Order, Material Clearance, or in the Part Info (the Order window tab). In a column in the Arrival Reporting you will then see a button with the message which you can display if you click it. After you save, the message appears in a window. You can also choose whether or not to print the message on the transport label. During the receiving inspection the message is shown in the Receiving Inspection Reporting procedure instead.

Activate blanket order

If you check this setting the procedure Register Blanket Order - Purchase is activated where you can create blanket orders (also known as call orders or frame orders, or blanket/framework agreements) for sales parts. Purchase orders for a blanket order are then created as usual in the Register Purchase Order procedure, which automatically links the purchase order to the blanket order if it falls within the validity period of the blanket order.

Use prefix to manage blanket order types?

Here you can select whether to use prefix when managing different blanket order types, and in that case if it should be possible or mandatory to use prefix in blanket order number. It is also possible to enter a default prefix with the setting below.

If any of the alternatives to use prefixes have been selected here, you can register different prefixes for inquires in the Order Types / Prefix procedure in the Global Settings module.

Deduct blanket order with delivered quantity

If you activate this setting, the blanket order will be deducted with delivered quantity instead of with ordered quantity.

Use category management for inquiry category?

If you check this setting you can display category explanation windows with multiple selection options in the Inquiry category field in the Register Inquiry procedure. You create selection terms in the Category Management procedure in the Global Settings module. The inquiry category setting also determines the amount of help that will be available in the Search Forms/Create tabs for the lists where you can select by inquiry category. The setting is activated by default.

If this setting is not activated you can enter inquiry categories as additional text. You can then enter a maximum of 15 characters. By using the button next to the category field, you will find instructions of how to enter categories. These instructions are entered in the Categories procedure in the Global Settings module.

Use category management for purchase order category?

If you check this setting you can display category explanation windows with multiple selection options in the Purchase order category field in the Register Purchase Order procedure. You create selection terms in the Category Management procedure in the Global Settings module. The Purchase order category setting also determines the amount of help that will be available in the Search Forms/Create tabs for the lists where you can select by purchase order category. The setting is activated by default.

If this setting is not activated you can enter purchase order categories as additional text. You can then enter a maximum of 15 characters. By using the button next to the category field, you will find instructions of how to enter categories. These instructions are entered in the Categories procedure in the Global Settings module.