General Information about Update Tool

What Does This Procedure Do?

This is where you register and update tools using different information. Tools can also be registered in the Preparation procedure, when being linked to an operation.

By default, all the tools registered here or during Preparation are always given the properties that have been registered for the tool group to which they are linked. The difference in registering tools here is that you can override these group properties, if needed, and also enter additional information on the tools.

What Does This Window Contain?

At the top portion of the window there is a heading row where you select tool number when loading an existing tool. When registering new tools you enter a new tool number, name, group and type. The tool has some fields that can be updated, and some fields that can only be read. Some information that can be updated or only viewed onscreen can also be accessed via certain buttons in the window. The fields and buttons that apply to the selected tool are structured under different tabs. The available tabs in this procedure are:

Field Descriptions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.