The Extra Info Tab

The Extra info tab is only available if you have configured the setting Show Extra info tab in Update Tool?, under Tools under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure.

This tab consists of a number of fields where you can enter optional information. The optional value fields can be used for registration of any type of data related to the current record, when no standard field is applicable.

These extra fields are not used as standard in the system. They are only used to save extra or own information to the current record. However, you can load the information in customized or own reports/lists. To create your own reports, you will need the supplement called Custom Reports.

There are fields for text, date, integer and float. Depending on the abovementioned setting, you can also activate a table with the corresponding fields in the lower portion of the window.

Via the Property Management you can enter suitable field headings according to the determined areas of use. You can also hide fields that are not used.

You can link different selection lists (drop-down menus) to the text fields found under this tab. The selection lists contain different text alternatives that can be added to the fields. This way you can determine which texts that will be allowed in a field, that is you can only select text alternatives from the selection list. The selection lists are registered in the Selection List Extra Info procedure.

To be able to link selection lists to text fields, the "advanced properties" in fields must be used. In this mode you can also change the layout (move around fields on the x- and y-axis), this is useful if you have chosen to hide the fields that are not used. To be able to use the advanced properties in fields, MONITOR must be configured into "debug mode". To be able to use selection lists in text fields under the Extra info tab, please contact an instructor or consultant at Monitor ERP System AB for help.