General Information about Material Clearance

Why Use This Procedure?

This procedure can be used to make sure that you have all the necessary material for an order before the order is started or picking is started in your warehouse. In other words, this procedure checks the requirements that the order have against the physical balance that exists, and then reports any shortages that will make it impossible for the order to be started. Also stock orders (in) are included in the order check that will refill the stock in the Material Clearance.

In the planning stage, you can see the planned requirements and shortages in the Requirement Calculation and Requirement Simulation in the Inventory module. Those procedures show planning information including all the orders and reservations per part, in chronological order.

What Does This Procedure Print?

Under the Create tab you can create either a clearance list or a pick list.

The clearance list is used to check to see if there are any shortages for any part included in an order. If you select the Clearance list, you can choose whether all ordered parts shall be included, or if only the shortage parts on an order shall be displayed.

The pick list is used for withdrawals from stock and has a slightly different layout (for example, it includes a signature space for each part). When you select the Pick list you can print a list per part and sort the parts per location. If you sort by stock location, you will provide a more rational picking from stock. You can save the clearance when you print the pick list.

These lists can be selected to show an entire structure order, an individual part in a structure order or individual operations.

If you apply age analysis, the system will also perform an age analysis of the parts in stock and the parts are suggested for picking starting with the locations that contain the oldest parts. This works in the same way as in the pick list in the Sales module.

If the Material Clearance is performed for all warehouses, the list will be sectioned by warehouse. The material that is consumed in the different operations with different warehouses will be placed under each respective warehouse section.

The usual method is to first check the clearance list under the List tab to make sure that there are no shortages for the order, and then print a pick list.

You will see a printout sample of the list .

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

You can clear an entire order or just an individual part in an order. If you select just the part, you can also enter an operation. If you select Pick list, you can save the clearance during printout (default), if you choose to print the pick list.

Please Note! If you select an entire order, then only the material for those orders that are highlighted in green under OK will be reserved during Save.

Under the List tab, the system will select by default those individual parts in orders that were booked in the clearing list, if there is an available balance. Here you can choose which material that shall be booked, and you can also delete a booking. When you save the clearance list, the quantity for this order is booked for the parts that are selected as "booked".

By checking the setting Clear Operation when All Materials are Available, under Orders under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure, you can select that all materials for the operation must be booked before the operation is cleared.

You can also undo a clearance that you performed, and also report material for an order, part and operation. To do this select All Parts under the Create tab and select the orders you want to report. If you want to report an individual part in an order, you must uncheck the Entire box. After that, you can select a part and an operation. Once you have loaded the clearance list, you uncheck the Booked box under the List tab for those parts that you want to report. The reporting takes place when you save the list.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.