Main Part Type

Here you select the manufacturing orders that were created for the main part type that you want to calculate the WIP for. The available main part alternatives are:

Both options are selected by default. Depending on which type of manufacturing you apply (manufacturing to finished stock or to customer orders), you can use this option to select the type of main part that you want to calculate the WIP for.

For example, when manufacturing to finished stock, you can de-select manufacturing orders that were created for manufactured main parts, so that the WIP List is only calculated for orders created for stocked main parts. When you manufacture directly to customer orders the manufacturing orders created for stocked main parts can be deselected.

When you select the Manufactured main part type, parts that at the moment are registered as P but that have manufacturing orders in progress will also be included in the WIP calculation.

The main part type is affected by the type of manufacturing you apply (which has been described earlier), and also by the order status.